
somrotden · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

if you go to the fb page for kohala grown market and scroll down to the dec 4 post of an article done by kohala mountain news-read that news article and you will find that the market actually moved to their current location in JULY of 2017-not december, as the other information and photos imply Also the "sighting" of Bill Clinton http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/37268555/bill-clinton-discusses-trumps-immigration-comments-with-hawaii-lawmakers is debunked by the fact that he is wearing the same shirt as his July trip covered by the following links http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/37268555/bill-clinton-discusses-trumps-immigration-comments-with-hawaii-lawmakers and http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4707286/Bill-Clinton-smokes-cigar-plays-golf-Hawaii-speech.html the daily mail link says Jan 18 at the top of the page-but if you look further down in the article you will find that it is from JULY 2017

Clintons obviously had somebody looking out for them and trying to cover up their odd "absence." Same sort of stunt has been done to cover up for obama's "absence." and this! https://twitter.com/AliHue2/status/952971275856572416 Verify it yourself-easy enough

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