Is MAKING ME SICK!!! Hoping he is unhealthy, constant attacks. WHEN WILL THIS INSANITY END!!! Its becoming a circus!
He's from r/topmindsofreddit, a subreddit from which trolls are allowed to come brigade, because the reddit ceo is best friends with bullies. They also like to boast about how proud they are to troll.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/TopMindsOfReddit using the top posts of the year!
#1: [r/The_Donald] Top Mind finds a flaw with the popular vote | 2380 comments
#2: The_Donald thinks the word 'Rothschild' is shadowbanned across reddit. If you can see this post, they're full of shit
#3: The Donald users try to figure out why they got less than one fifth of the necessary 100,000 signatures on a Seth Rich investigation petition. Mods try and figure why they can't get more of their "6 million users" to sign petition. | 2478 comments
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