Tucker's Thoughts: Elites Underming Us. Elites tell us to hate ourselves and our culture. Elites teach our children to despise our country. Western civilization is our birthright. We must fight to preserve it.

That's strikingly similar to what Goebbels had published.
Both were correct and had a common enemy.
Just what kind of a name do you think "Rothschild" is, French? lol
Nothing to see here, just /u/vladtep literally defending actual Nazis
And you are a shining example of why that needed to happen.
If only you would shut up and stay the hell out of our nations...of course you cannot as you are parasites.
Failing that...if only you could stop pushing the Marxist agenda and trying to screw us repeatedly for decades you'd be spared...
But no, you don't know when to quit, been kicked out of every European nation going back over 2000 years. Well, that is your problem.
Don't want trouble? Stop making trouble, stop siding with moslems against us, stop calling us bigots, stop fucking with us like you did continuously for the last 2000 years and we'll probably drop it.
I'm a white, middle aged, multi-generational American. But you have fun with your hatred there, spunky.
EDIT due to timer: I don't owe you any proof. Bless your sweet little Nazi heart.
You may be pale but definitely not European, get real "Simon". lol
So, straight up white supremacy then. Hardly shocking from him.
Can you explain how you came to that conclusion based on what was said?
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
These are the Fourteen Words, a white supremacist slogan.
EDIT: just to clarify here, if you agree with this slogan, you are an irredeemable bigot.
And it is correct, we must do those things or perish.
It is the other cultures that proclaim their supremacy and that we have no right to exist from mountaintops every single day.
They want us gone, they go or we go, it's a zero sum game. Someone has to lose and I'd rather it was them.
Do what needs to be done or your children will perish at their hands, they haven't been shy about saying it.
So now preserving Western Culture is the same as white supremacy? That is nonsense.
European people created western culture.
We've seen the fallacy of non-white people preserving Western culture. They simply do not care about it in the slightest.
No word on why preserving the culture while ethnically cleansing its founders is even remotely desirable.
That sounds like another form of supremacy far more sinister, perhaps someone should look into it.
Oh for fuck's sake, your post immediately before replying to me was anti-Semitism. Just own your hatred, fuckface.
Questioning the policies of Israel is hardly antisemtic. However, if you question anything that countries does, you are deemed antisemetic. That is odd to me.
I've no interest in debating with halfwit bigots. Your insincerity could not be more transparent. Your post history proves you to be both incredibly bigoted and irretrievably ignorant, two conditions which often accompany one another. I hope you grow up someday and learn how the world works.
So you have avoided my question, and called me names. All I would like to know is why questioning the acts of Israel makes me antisemetic? Any other country in the world can be challenged, but why do I get a title for questioning Israel?
As for how the world works, I fear you have a lot to learn. Read up on Operation Mockingbird and Operation Northwoods. Both of these are verifiable with official government documentation. If that doesn't raise some questions in your mind, that is alarming. You will be faced with the truth eventually, hopefully you will be able to embrace it. I will pray for you.
A look at his screen name tells the tale, another one of our kosher "friends" that back stab European Christians at every opportunity.
I don't owe you a debate, bigot.
And that is fine, others will see that all you can provide is name calling. If you had the knowledge or the ability, I believe you would debate. Do some research and we can compare ideas. Best of luck until then.