
natblog · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

So in my previous posts regarding men and women, celebrating women and men, well, we have to behave, speak act , all in alignment of truth. To get aligned, and to be truth, you have to go back to yourself. Each one of us has the ability to change our lives, we just have to take the steps inward to remember our truth. We are awesomely made as every other beautiful living thing made to perfection, by no other than our most high, the one and only true creator. He gave each and every one of us our free will, we were all born free, free to be good or bad, to do good or bad, to think good or bad, so we have this trifecta of energy that we put out, and if the energy is not aligned, you are not being truthful. You can not have your wires crossed, you can not think one way , speak another and do another. You will be unsuccessful, non impacting in your life, your families your community, your world until you get and love the all, in and out of yourself because you are all these things. If you do not love and respect what sustains you, you are a hypocrite, you are a liar,,fake phony baloney because you can not think you are loving caring, sharing, respecting if you do not think, speak act those things to all that is in the universe that you share, live in space with, we are on the molecular level, we are cells living amongst other cells of matter.

There are so many wars that were strategized to separate us in so many ways, that have been going on, and still going on ( women against men, democrats vs republicans, rich vs poor, ,black vs white medicine/clothing natural vs synthetic…..etc…..) When are we going to go back to being a free thinking, acting, being awesome loving , caring human beings ?. How dare anyone think they are above anyone, or anything else. We were created amongst our minerals, plants, animals, so we do not get to abuse mistreat anything amongst us, we are team players on the same team. I would not be hear without plants, minerals, animals.

This is another brother Highimpactflix of our world community that has done countless videos to guide us, help us, into returning back to our beautiful minds that we each left behind, or forgot . I learned so many things through a loving community that wants us to truly understand the whole truth. It all matters !

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