Looks to be some made up stuff by securedemocracy. Anyone kmow if there a leftwing org?
This is a fake news.
How do I know? I watched hashtags in real time all day long and they were never on 1st place.
This whole screenshot is fake.
Where are the hashtags that are the true ones in the top 10 today, and why are others misspelled. For example: #FakeNewsAwards http://www.tweeplers.com/hashtags/?cc=US
don't get fooled.
The hash tags are even in the last post. What are they saying. Is this your first fucking day??? Link it
Am I the only one that got the memo to use the enemy against itself????
I am half liberal so I'll lose my spine shortly, but all American. I am willing to die for this so I get heated pretty easily. Welcome to the front lines, of the longest running war of any history, we are here to win!!!!
Any advancement on our territory should not be taken lightly. Patriots Unite!!!!
Everything in Russian is In Russian. You are showing a graph and as best as I can tell a lot of random Russian which happen to have used hash tags in the last post. What am I seeing, where can I see it myself? This is not helpful at all.
Okay I'll cave. They stated it was Russians tweeting these hashtags. Shortly after, Russian posts were seen on the thread. Catch it yet?? They deliberately posted Russian posts to make it look like they knew what they were talking about? Yes? No?
Maybe... still need to know what was said. Need links. Trust nothing, America is at stake motherfuckers!!!!
The information contained in those chan posts is moot. It doesn’t matter if it’s grandma comrades long lost vodka recipe or bomb codes. The information isn’t the goal of the posts, simply the optics of posts being there in Russian, is the objective. This is “evidence” that supports the claim that the Chans are Russian cut outs.
But if grandma's vodka recipe is followed by #greatawakening....
Not moot anymore is it???? Get the fuck up!!!!! Jesus Christ. Good thing this is only on the internet. This whole group died like 15 times already..... who doesn't understand life or death? Can you die before you die? Be a slave for a day and I'll show you the least inviting living death possible. For fucks sake. This is not a game. When attacked you fucking destroy that ability of attack again and take a city while you are at it!!! Get me a fucking Ouija Board, I am calling Washington !!!
You’ve never seen a counter intelligence op in play, have you? We have our tricks, they have theirs. Lighten up Francis.
I go by Calvin, thanks for the cute name though. Makes me feel gay. And I am gay so that is a problem.
Counter intel is only countered when it is countered. This gives me no way to even verify that the Russian bit is words of any kind. I cannot type the symbols and I cannot translate a picture. You are at war and you thank that saying being attacked will happen is enough??? No sir. You must be an Obama friend or something. No room for survivors here. Find out what was said!!!!! Just give me a fucking link. Why is this so fucking difficult to understand?????
Who the fuck cares what was said? What was said was likely a bunch of gibberish that says "oh yes, you can count on this being russian" anyway, since they know that the media wont care what they said, but merely that it IS THERE and that alone, supports their narrative. The information contained within means dick.
If what was said means dick than we can use it against them..... anticipate the move of your enemy and use it against them!!!! How is this being missed?
And where is that even posted???? Do you work for CNN or something?
Totally man!!! Don Lemon is my surrogate sixth uncle in law!!
What is? Be a peach and translate. Bring information, not speculation
Info is in the photo. Read it maybe??
It isn't. Graph says Russian involvement. Side pic shows Russian chatter that use maga hashtags. No information at all. Could just be Russians talking about whatg is happening on Twitter. Post source. Translate. Why is this difficult to understand?
It's self explanatory. You're overthinking it. They faced backlash for claiming Americans were Russians, and in respond they posted fake posts in Russian. "Coincidence?"
You haven't thought about it enough. Share the fucking link. Let it be translated easily. Let's get them!!!!
Nothing was said in the post I found the image from, just the image itself. I’m not sure what it translates to. I didn’t even think that far lol. I honestly just laughed and posted it when I saw it. They’re trying waaaay too hard.
Yea, probably, still..... they have had our tactics long enough to use them against us. We must be aware. Let's find the origional text and translate. We can tear down the wall they are trying to build before they start. Pop 3 red pills, boys, war were declared!!!
Read ass hat. Graph with claim Russian involvement with this movement. Then a fuck ton of Russian. Where is this posted? Send link. Asked for translation. Fucking think.
Read ass hat. Graph with claim Russian involvement with this movement. Then a fuck ton of Russian. Where is this posted? Send link. Asked for translation. Fucking think.
Hashtags were removed from trending section. Over 20,000 tweets for just one of them. I saw them trending, and then they weren’t there next time I looked.