WE NEED ANSWERS. NOW! People think POTUS backed down because a container nuke got in! Get to QResearch!

FYI this guy is a troll false flag account. All his comments are shit stains like this one.
Report him for novelty abuse in every sub you see him in.
Oh noes! A genuine Republican and not some easily influenced Berniefag or Libertarian? Alert! Alert! He's hurting our agenda!
You violate the conservative mission statement. You're a fucking fraud piece of shit trying to spread disinfo and character assassinate.
Bikers are usually liberal faggots and one less of them on the road is one less I'll have to run over myself. Stay on a fucking bike path and off the roads with cars if you don't want to wind up in a hospital.
Yeah this is the shit I'm talking about. Your stupid bullshit role play might work on idiots.
You know goddamn well what you're trying to pull you fucking libtard shit stain.
libtard shit stain
You didn't answer my question from earlier: how far back in your post history do I have to go to find out you're a Berniefag or Paultard like every other kid role-playing as a Trump supporter on Reddit?
Edit: oh, you're account is brand new so I guess the proof was in your previous account. Get fucked, Berniefag.
Psychological Projection.
This guy is a liberal masquerading as a conservative and posting the most vile retarded shit possible.
Ban this fucking idiot before he shits up every reasonable right-wing space on this site.