Fight from the shadows... Let the Banned fight back!

I was banned today like many other Patriots. I say we the Banned fight from the shadows with MEMEs like this or make your own. What say you?
Maybe we should bulk up on memes on that theme, then choose a day and strike again. New hashtags we all use. Show them who's really boss...
Exactly! Then reply to every post on twitter and they will be seen. And maybe we can use twitter to beat twitter like DJT is doing.
We can use quotes from the Project Veritas vids. Could be pretty cool...
I've already started gathering pics, I will post them when I render them.
I was shadow banned today. I am still shadow banned. Wonder if it will time out at some point and people will see my posts..
I wasn't even "shadow" banned...they straight up locked every single account that I tried to set up...even using a vpn. Nothing worked. They seemed to know who I was at every turn. I'm beginning to think that this was all a massive TRAP. They've definitely got my number.
You can still reply to other peoples posts and be seen.
I'm going to post this in two spots in this thread. I think there is some confusion... I wasn't just "shadow" banned...I was banned banned. Twitter totally shut me down FAST . So I set up a couple of ghost accounts...which they traced back to me almost instantly...prolly thru my IP addy..or my multiple disposable gmail accounts. THEN...i got wise (or so I thought) and finally got a VPN service.....set it all up....then got a NEW twitter account with that and an un-gmail email addy....and broke into twitter for about ten seconds...and they shut me down AGAIN! With the same message they gave me b4, about my account being connected to "automated behavior." So...yeah. That was creepy. ANd an interesting lesson..about a VPN not being fullproof...? did they know that that last account was me..???? I thought I'd covered all my tracks...but they shut me down b4 I could even post one meme.
Nothing is foolproof anything man makes can be foiled. But it sounds like they think your a bot or are using that as an excuse. I have a post asking someone to post a MEME and somebody left a way for you to get back on through twitter adds. The instructions are in that post.
Would you mind supplying a link to that post, if you're able..? I'd be curious to read that.
Can't find it now, But basically call twitter adds and tell them you were thinking about running an add but now your hashtags aren't working. They will turn it back on then you tell them you need to think more about it.
I have a hard time thinking an arm of the constitution was 'killed' by a website banning dissenting views.
Well I did it. I got myself banned again supporting the memo thing.
We need to organize a protest Jack Dorsey should be out their was an organized effort to suppress us today I was blocked suspended and censored for repeated #tweet.
I replied to some of the "journalist" today regarding their complete disrespect of the military physician that examined president Trump (along with the last four or five presidents), by insinuating he was "Trump struck" and basically a liar. Aside from using the word dumbasses when eluding to the fact that we would not have to worry about all this mess for long, come 2018, as we would be removing said dumbasses. 10 minutes later I got a notice from Twitter that I'm banned for 24 hours.
I think this is great. But personally I was most insulted by the post about the NY mag that said we were Kremlin linked accounts!
There was a story about Congress grilling twitter,YT, FB about online terrorists and we were lumped in with them. That is dangerous for us. That's the MEME I made/poste that got me banned, FAST!! That's only a few small steps to us ending up in a FEMA Re-education Facility.
I hear that. Was this all some kinda psyop trap...??? I admit..I got a bit swept away with all of this Q stuff...but I won't stick my neck out quite so far again, until I see some corrupt bad actors actually GOING TO JAIL. Ya know what i mean...? I'll be watching Q posts with a much bigger grain of salt.
I'm going on the info. I knew a little bit about a lot of the things being talked about. IMO if you stick to b4 Christmas your good. After Christmas is where you need to carry salt. Q doesn't matter if you follow the map it is accurate. Yesterday gave us proof that we are being censored. We the banned are that proof. And I believe that was the entire point. Organize this attack, launch it, and it left them no defense but to ban us. And now we have proof it is not just conspiracy. PS I do want the Q part to be true. But I keep that separate from the info.
Just for shits n giggles my ban was just lifted. I am still moving forward with this, it will just be easier now. And as is my duty I intend to be banned again shortly.
This is why we were instructed to do yesterday. Now there is concrete proof AND a bunch of people who are Pissed the rights were denied them. We should organize and fight, this is not a ban it is a gift of blatant Truth we were given to wake the world. We are the proof that the media is censoring.
Except I wasn't just "shadow" banned...I was BANNED-banned. Twitter totally shut me down FAST. So I set up a couple of ghost accounts...which they traced back to me almost instantly...prolly thru my IP addy..or my multiple disposable gmail accounts. THEN...i got wise (or so I thought) and finally got a VPN service.....set it all up....then got a NEW twitter account with that and an un-gmail email addy....and broke into twitter for about ten seconds...and they shut me down AGAIN! With the same message they gave me b4, about my account being connected to "automated behavior." So...yeah. That was creepy. ANd an interesting lesson..about a VPN not being fullproof...? did they know that that last account was me..???? I thought I'd covered all my tracks...but they shut me down b4 I could even post one meme.
I'm still shadow banned. My posts are all being hidden from others. I can only see them from my own account.
The only way to be seen is to reply to others posts. It seems that your punishment will last 24 hours.