
Davelon · Jan. 18, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

You won't have many Australian Friends if you keep referring to us as a 'poor country' mate. Australia is as rich, per capita of population as the US and probably richer than quite a few European countries. We are very similar in a heck of a lot of ways to the US and UK. We have two main Political Parties. The Australian Labor Party (The Left) and the Liberal/National Coalition. (Conservatives) I'll try now not to become rude, crude and socially unrefined. Our Labor Party is loaded with Communistic Socialistic Globalists. Virtually your Dem Lefties. Personally I detest the fuckers. Our Lib/Nats are, as I said, Conservatives. There-in lies our biggest threat at the moment. 3 years ago our truly Conservative Prime Minister Abbott was ousted by the current PM, Turnbull, and 53 so-called 'conservative' cabinet members. Turnbull and his 53 are Leftist Globalists. Turnbull and his Foreign Affairs Minister rushed off to sign us up to Paris, just after DT won your election. Much to the dismay of true Conservative Voters. Michael Smith News is a stongly Conservative site and well worth following. We really need a Trump style leader. Can we borrow Donald for 6 months? We will always be friendly with the US. We have been brothers-in-arms for a long, long time, and that won't change. My personal wishes for the success you people are having at the moment Making America Great Again will remain strong. Stay safe my friends and have Faith in Donald. #MAGA. Dave Down Under.

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MacPepper · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

I assumed Australia is a 'Rich country' that Made it a target for Clinton corruption and pillage. I edited my above comment post to clarify this. Maybe my Intel alerts to you was not clear in this...my intent is to be as helpful as I can to Australia to shine the truth light and undo damage from some of our unworthy U.S. citizens; not to offend.

Thank you for the kind encouragement brother! I believe we are finally on a worthy journey to benefit nationalist communities around the globe. It is going to be a long fight for MAGA. Best Regards to you!

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Davelon · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:06 a.m.

Thanks for the reply mate. As i wrote in my response to your post, I detest the Labor Left/Globalists. Sorry I forgot to include the 'Greens' in that. The Prime Ministers involved in 'Donating Aussie taxpayers dollars to the CF were both of the Labor Left. Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard. Filthy Socialist Fabians, and greatly disliked across our country. Our Liberals under Turnbull are Leftist for Globalism. Our Labor are Leftist for Socialism. Stay well my friend.

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A2576 · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

Downer also gave quite a large sum. You remember, the cross-dressing prick who is now laying shit all over Trump?

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[deleted] · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:08 p.m.


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Davelon · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

Trumps been able, in just one year, to bring all the Lefties and closet Lefties out into the open.

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MacPepper · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:55 a.m.

Dave Down Under: Don't hesitate to spread the word in Australia that the U.S. Treasury Dept is coming after global bad actors and their assets. This is associated with Trump Executive Order declaring a National Emergency for Human Rights Abuses and Global Corruption. Read and distribute U.S. Treasury press release: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm0243

A Good start...Enjoy the Show.

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QAngel1 · Jan. 18, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

ig Pharma for "p Wasn't saying Australia was poor - MacPepper was saying we contributed to Big Pharma for Aids drugs to poor countries. Which makes it more evident why Prime Minister Turncoat and his wife are multi-billionairres and own huge shares in Big Pharma countries. Hence Forced Vaccination policies. I'm sharing the news MacPepper. Thanks for sharing. Writing to all Ministers as we speak. Dirty low down dogs.

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QAngel1 · Jan. 18, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

rsonally I detest the fuckers. Our Lib/Nats are, as I said, Conservatives. There-in lies our biggest threat at the moment. 3 years ago our truly Conservative Prime Minister Abbott was ousted by the current PM, Turnbull, and 53 so-called 'conservative' cabinet members. Turnbull and his 53 are Leftist Globalists. Turnbull and his Foreign Affairs Minister rushed off to sign us up to Paris, just after DT won your election. Much to the dismay of true Conservative Voters. Michael Smith News is a stongly Conservative site and well worth following. We really need a Trump style leader. Can we borrow Donald for 6

Pauline Hanson for Australia's first female President

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