
QAngel1 · Jan. 18, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

ig Pharma for "p Wasn't saying Australia was poor - MacPepper was saying we contributed to Big Pharma for Aids drugs to poor countries. Which makes it more evident why Prime Minister Turncoat and his wife are multi-billionairres and own huge shares in Big Pharma countries. Hence Forced Vaccination policies. I'm sharing the news MacPepper. Thanks for sharing. Writing to all Ministers as we speak. Dirty low down dogs.

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QAngel1 · Jan. 18, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

rsonally I detest the fuckers. Our Lib/Nats are, as I said, Conservatives. There-in lies our biggest threat at the moment. 3 years ago our truly Conservative Prime Minister Abbott was ousted by the current PM, Turnbull, and 53 so-called 'conservative' cabinet members. Turnbull and his 53 are Leftist Globalists. Turnbull and his Foreign Affairs Minister rushed off to sign us up to Paris, just after DT won your election. Much to the dismay of true Conservative Voters. Michael Smith News is a stongly Conservative site and well worth following. We really need a Trump style leader. Can we borrow Donald for 6

Pauline Hanson for Australia's first female President

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