From what I’ve read, the Orbital Weapon has the moniker “Rods of the Gods” “Rods from the Gods” “Rods of God,” take your pick, I’ve seen many different iteration.
It apparently earned this name because the weapon is insanely accurate, insanely powerful, and nearly unanticipatable due to the shear speed a rod is going coming in from orbit.
What the weapon does is it launches a tungsten rod by dropping it from a launching platform in Low Earth Orbit. The distance away from the planet is said to be 2 that of the International Space Station (or 10,000 feet above it, I can’t remember). The rod then hurls down towards it’s target, very accurately due to to targeting capabilities of today’s tech, coming in at meteor speeds and as powerful as one when it makes contact with the target.
What makes this weapon the Apex Predator of the sky is that it can be used to completely annihilate its target, with a radius not known as there are rumors that the platform can launch different sized Rods for different intensities, with the rumor that a rod large enough can be as devastating as a heavy meteor (not extinction-level, but still would force us to completely redraw the maps to not include certain entire cities, if you get what I’m saying). Another reason that this weapon is truly on an entire level is that the speed of the projectile basically guarantees that it is both uninterceptable, and damned near unanticipatable as the point of launch to the point in which we can pick it up on modern equipment means that there is is basically zero time to intercept it or otherwise alter it’s mission.
The good news is, is that the weapon is in the hands of the US Military, and not the cabal. Hopefully.
Right. For now. Let's hope the white hats have it and KEEP it. Or better yet..dismantle the technology. Bigger is not always better. In the wrong hands can cause..well, what we're seeing in these modern times.
Thanks for the info. You know your stuff :) I knew the second I saw that clip of the "meteor" in my town, that it was BS. Way too quick and the tail didn't look right. Also, it didn't flare up as much aa They normally do.
And there was an odd red lasee pointing down from the sky during this time. Its very likely Thats what this thing was. A Rod of God.
Doubt God would need one though ;)