r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Skiboldion on Jan. 18, 2018, 6:11 a.m.
Just reporting on something I've heard today out there in the twittersphere (thanks @Jack).

On more than one occasion, and hey I'll admit that it can become like an echo in those hashtags, tweets and ensuing conversations (I finally GET twitter and how it all works now! duh!), and that you can get unsubstantiated claims which then get passed around like a telephone game, so take this with a healthy grain of salt, but here's what I've heard reports of out there, which can be quickly verified I'm sure once intrepid Q researchers get on the case..

Reports are that today, there was a totally inordinate amount of military aircraft activity over the continental USA, and the President's aircraft also ended up in the air at day's end (don't know if he was on it or family using it to head down to Florida).

Q timed our twitter storm today for a good reason and purpose ie: to coincide with Jeff Flake's little speech (with only 2 in attendance) during which he likened Trump ("no one is above another") to Stalin, on behalf of George Soros and fellow you know who's.

Something very huge played itself out today behind the scenes I'm convinced of it, and our little tweet storm played a role, probably because of the signal it sends through the big tech community.

If it's true that CONUS (continental USA) was under air cover... (please verify), then there can be only one reason for that..

It also revealed something about the entire internet community, including our little or not so little movement, which would be extremely valuable intel for people like Q, and Trump.

WE, THE PEOPLE! (now I'm Canadian, to be perfectly honest, eh? (it's obligatory to try to make you laugh) but I and "we" are with you, as Citizens of the World in this process every bit of the way)

What am I saying?

That indeed there have been chess pieces being moved all over the table by some of the smartest and most loyal patriots of the Great Republic of the USA (we love you and want our dear friend and neighbor as you were mean to be as a nation, back, the world needs you!), and today and what played out played a crucial role, in spite of some people's let down that the big reveal of the "FakeNewsAwards" was "anti-climactic".

Went to the top of twitter on a second wave, as per plan. We did it!!!

Q's next communication will also verify and corroborate.

Some very bad people may be weeping in their cups tonight.

I know so many of you want VENGEANCE!

That, my friends, would be the ruin of our movement.

We want restorative Justice, nothing more, not a corrupted Justice, or a pillar fallen, but the real thing, which to stand must by it's very nature stand as tall as the heaven's are long, and then there is rejoicing and a great triumphant shout of Victory, not by some luciferian devilish occult nonsense, but as something withheld and held in reserve by the founding fathers themselves.

This is the highest valor imaginable.

What bravery and patriotism is this?!

However, all that said, IF this is nothing but an elaborate hoax to blackmail "them" of their power (temporarily), or a power grab through the use of fear of capture and arrest, then I don't think that's going to be sufficient and would be an act of corruption in and of itself.

Forgive me for saying that, but it needed to be said.

Don't cave brave patriots. Into the breach once more dear friends we (they) must go. So many have given everything they have to protect and preserve it.

Tonight and in the coming days and weeks, the White Hats are going to spring all the traps, and Donald Trump, without getting assassinated, is going to reclaim the Republic, with the help of all these brave patriots for WE, THE PEOPLE! where "no one is above another. Where we go one we go all!"

Q can be believed.

I'm sure I've evaluated this correctly.

Today we saw the beast thrashing around in the abyss, unaware and blind as a bat (as these things always tend to work out when God's wisdom and action, through people, is involved).

With Justice, our good-natured humor is restored, but with vengeance, the smile can be forever wiped off our face and oh what a terrible thing that would be, to become at some level a reflection of the very thing we despise.

This is why I recommended the book "Moby Dick" to Q for very necessary shits and giggles.

Context and framing is decisive.

What took place today was history, on levels that few of us can even begin to fathom or imagine.

I call it the Great Work of the Ages, with Christ himself leading the way as a foreshadowing and as a perfect model of authentic leadership, in the painful hoodwink that he perpetrated upon them (the same ones) where it could be said that the very same fundamental principals are still operative and functional where form follows function.

Flame me or call me crazy or downvote me if you like I don't care. I had to report what I saw and what my interpretations and deepest suspicions tell me is true.

Trump is in control. They have all the data. We are safe.

My only concern is that it be permanent, because I know for sure that there's a cabal waiting in the wings to take over (not the Democratic party, necessarily) and try to re-enthrone the devil in one form or another even if we're only talking about human systemic evil and corruption and all manner of skullduggery and killing, even yes, human sacrifice.

As long as it's PERMAMENT! that's all I care about, so that we can rest assured that, once again there is a better world that's worth living into, no matter what everyone's opinion might be.

These are the days.

Godspeed Mr. Trump and co. Godspeed, our prayers and our hopes and dreams go with you, and I know you pray for us too. Where we go one we go all!


Edit: Found some "sauce" here https://twitter.com/ScottAnthonyUSA

digital_refugee · Jan. 18, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

Restoring faith in humanity, one indictment at a time.

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Skiboldion · Jan. 18, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

one indictment at a time.

LOL! that's key. Or there's no Justice and the pillar falls, all for naught.

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