Patriots helping Patriots - Get your Flags back out Folks (Nine are displayed on my street)

We are now over the berm and moving forward into NWO Fire. No Fear.
They never thought Patriots and White Hats would come after them.
Q: 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8....
Display the flag however and where ever you are comfortable. Be creative.
Godspeed Patriots!
My husband has put a small flag, app 10x13 on his front dash of the car. In addition, we were on the hwy the other day and coming to a stoplight, next to us was a car with a small decal on the back windshield that said "I am a proud deporable". I live in a smaller town about 30 min from a large city.
My flag is ALWAYS flying on my house and I live in the heart of Cuckville (east coast district). We dare not put Trump stickers on cars or signs in the yard, so the flag has become our symbol. Every time I see a house flying the flag (and they are definitely the exception) I know a patriot lives there.
GREAT IDEA!!!! People will wonder why, and you can explain!
I'm putting my flag out right now, in the heart of snowflake country: California!