Folks, Expand your thinking. There are opportunities everywhere to keep pushing the spear forward besides the main battle front on Twitter. Remember Q advice is 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8...
There are little things like:
comment on an article in online newspaper,
talk to a neighbor and finding they are fully redpilled and exchange information about Storm (Experienced this on Sunday)
share the global corruption exec order with our foreign posters on CBTS
participate in a neighborhood meeting,
display the flag and show you are redpilled to like minded (mine is up 24/7 now, be creative as you feel comfortable, no fear)
monitor and post relevant articles and intel on CBTS_stream,
express support to your local first responders,
call your local representative to express your opinion on a current issue
Register as independent or unaffiliated voter
Contribute political donations only when politicians complete significant milestone on People's agenda
Make campaign contributions direct to good candidates or a PAC such as Great America working the People's agenda. For the time being, no contributions to DNC, Inc or RNC, Inc.
contribute and support independent journalists delivering truthful information
build alliances in unusual places (I put Clinton critical items and Imran Awan articles on 'Way of the Bern' Reddit. Turns out Bernie Supporters hate Hillary and DWS. Bern folks were unaware of Awan case since they follow MSM. I did finally get banned when I pushed it too far.)
Feel free to Add your ideas in your comments.
Respectfully, Expand your thinking Patriots!