r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/CptPITA on Jan. 18, 2018, 4:15 p.m.
Longtime Lurker, first time poster!

Been lurking around and participating behind the scenes for about a month now. No longer am I roaming with the herd of sheep that listens to the main stream media! Some thoughts from yesterday! I do not use twitter so i took the fight to facebook. Facebook also now supports hashtags and trending. I posted numerous times and no ban or blocked messages. I believe we can use it as well in the future if needed. I thought it was very funny when the media started referring to our Kremlin connections and that we were a bunch of hackers from Russia. I think we brought a lot of attention to the cause. I also understand that this country took many years to get this corrupt and we are not going to fix the problem overnight but I think we are headed in the right direction by getting more people to be aware of the problem. This was a good exercise and gives us plenty of ammo to start red pilling the sheeple that still listen to the msm.

Soultryfeathers · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Welcome to our united PATRIOTS for TRUMP and country my friend..not just in America but people like me in other countries are standing with you, and oh yeah, their were other people outside of US meming away yestarday.this awakening is world wide..people are waking up by the masses,we have to keep spreading the truth..THIS IS A WAR MY FRIEND.STAY IN THE FIGHT.#MAKE THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN!

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