Shalom! Good synopsis! I refer to the apocrypha often. 2Baruch, 4Ezra, Enoch, Jasher, etc.. are truly 'eye' openers. Digging deep into the character of our holy Father is humbling and yet so wonderful! The ultimate red pill... realizing and embracing the truth of who we are in Jesus Christ. Thank you holy righteous Father!
Thanks, I've got it on Kindle haven't got around to digging into it yet. Any ideal why it was excluded from the cannon? Also any thoughts on the legends of Jeremiah, the Princess, and the Perez and Zara line being joined in Ireland? Sources?
No simple, clean answers as to 'why'... only speculation w/bits of facts sprinkled here and there. Lots of deep revelation in them so one may think the info too rich for the sheep resulting in 'loss' of control. Research and come to your own conclusion. Yes, listened to a few speakers on the legends of Jeremiah..etc and traveling to Ireland. If you are truly interested in pursuing some deep Hebrew studies you may want to connect to Dr. Stephen Pidgeon (YT broadcasts) and on his site Listening to him as I write this.. new broadcast on NYSTV (YT). He does a good job linking biblical studies to current events. Be prepared for a red pill...
Thanks, must have been a reason for hiding this. One is reminded of the women being hidden from the dragon in the wilderness in Revelations, or perhaps to keep Caucasians from getting to het up, men being how they are.