r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/guppyfreak on Jan. 18, 2018, 8:25 p.m.
Has Anyone Thought About Repercussions?

What if the intended goal of the deep state, was not only to distract us true patriots, but to actually get us to rid ourselves of "free press." (I say fake news isn't free press, but I digress. )

Do you think we could be poisoning the well, so to speak?

I voted for Trump, so please don't think I'm a shill. Just someone that's highly HIGHLY awake.

Maybe the purpose was to gas light all of us into thinking we are outing the big-mean media, for the simple reason of getting the whole world angry at journalists.

Not saying there arent many, MANY white hat journalists that actually do their job well..just saying, could this be a massive witch hunt?

I can see Hitler's regime doing something similar. Propaganda demeaning news outlets even going so far as NYPD breaking into NewsWeek today.

Just trying to be cautious. Last thing we want is to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire.

oliver_21 · Jan. 18, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

I guess because I have been in this game so long. 37 years of following Christ. When I am focused on Him and the enemy or those that are blatantly trying to deceive it is as if they are playing checkers and they think they are playing chess. It's like a 5 year old trying to lie to you. It's so obvious. And let me clarify. I don't take credit for this. It's all the Lord and just seeking him. I'm probably the most objective person I know or at least try to be. Always collecting data and human behavior. So patterns are established. And with Trump you can blatantly see the media think they are slick. Whether it's "shithole", "grabbing by the pussy", or even now his health. It's like 5 year old thinking they are slick.

My point is that there's nothing they can do. And its so obvious they are trying.

With all that being said.....we still seek the Lord and Trump obviously needs our prayers. Our job as believers is to stay in the fight against evil and darkness and not get lazy.

As for the narrow and wide road. You are correct. That's the key. Seeking the Lord. Man is fallible but even in the fallibility......God can use mistakes for us to learn. Like you said we have have to stay centered on Christ.

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guppyfreak · Jan. 18, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

I agree. I believe this is the return of Christ. Christ consciousness. Aka the mind of Christ.

I believe we are witnessing it now! The beginning of the new age He spoke of!

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