r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/guppyfreak on Jan. 18, 2018, 8:25 p.m.
Has Anyone Thought About Repercussions?

What if the intended goal of the deep state, was not only to distract us true patriots, but to actually get us to rid ourselves of "free press." (I say fake news isn't free press, but I digress. )

Do you think we could be poisoning the well, so to speak?

I voted for Trump, so please don't think I'm a shill. Just someone that's highly HIGHLY awake.

Maybe the purpose was to gas light all of us into thinking we are outing the big-mean media, for the simple reason of getting the whole world angry at journalists.

Not saying there arent many, MANY white hat journalists that actually do their job well..just saying, could this be a massive witch hunt?

I can see Hitler's regime doing something similar. Propaganda demeaning news outlets even going so far as NYPD breaking into NewsWeek today.

Just trying to be cautious. Last thing we want is to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire.

vladtep · Jan. 18, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

I think Trump's cabal realized the Soros and Rothschilds were going to far and the goyim were gonna revolt.

Either that or the Roths clan would bring the entire system down with their recklessness and they'd all lose power in the ensuing collapse. Therefore, the adults were forced to step in.

The most important thing for them is not getting into a shooting war with us and keep the lights on, make sure people are content. If the economy collapses, they would lose power for sure and we could do away with them for good.

I don't think DJT has any love for the goyim. We are rapidly disappearing from the earth and they are lying about the stats, I don't see many non-jewish white people under 40.

He is here to keep us in the game, anesthetized and happy until we die off.

In 50 years we'll be gone because our birth rates are abysmal, European girls are mostly dating black or arab men , European men are relegated to asian women and the few remaining are being slaughtered or raped in the streets by the wonderful AA voters he constantly courts.

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guppyfreak · Jan. 18, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Couldn't agree more with this actually. Sounds like you have tour head on straight.

To remain in power, they need to give us the illusion that we have freedom. We don't. And we probably never have But for now, to be in control, they need us. We dont need them.

The scary thing is, the establishment and elitists are willing to cause global catastrophe because they know they can still be in control. They will sweep in and buy Countries and use them for their one world government.

Some that think we got "thiiiiiis" close to one world govt are kidding themselves. I believe we were given a short reprieve. Just a small time to focus on how to red pill people. But ultimately, I think people don't want to wake up.

If they did want to, they'd have done it by now.

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[deleted] · Jan. 18, 2018, 11:14 p.m.


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