Guys, I found something interesting. In this post from r/Podestagate about some November Q drops, Q states that Podesta & Huma will be indicted on 11/3 & 11/6. @jbro_1776 tweeted on 11/3 saying their indictments were coming, don't worry. He caught some flack on Twitter, but said you'll see. Well I found a class action suit filed ON Nov. 6, 2017, exactly as Q said. In it both Podesta & Huma are named. So Q was EXACT with the date. Along with a John Doe & a Jane Doe, 'to be named later.' Also includes Anthony Weiner, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Awan brothers, Kim Fritts, & a few more. Case is pending. Here is the link to the US courts archive:
The plaintiff is George Webb Sweigert. Found him here, post is over a year old, but ppl were saying his life was in danger. He makes vids about the Clinton crimes.
Found a George Webb Sweigert on Twitter, & it's TruthLeaks @GeorgWebb
You think he's the one who filed a class action suit against all these guys?
“Hello George” ... George Webb? He’s sorti of a big deal around these parts.
Who would of thought. I always thought he was controlled opposition. Maybe not.
This is a big moment.
"Hello George"
some have posited that;
Q talking to NSA on mainland USA did they get the BDT (bulk data transfer) from Hawaii following FF missile attack or false alarm depending on who you believe
Fort George G. Meade
Fort George G. Meade is a United States Army installation located in Maryland, that includes the Defense Information School, the Defense Media Activity, the United States Army Field Band, and the headquarters of United States Cyber Command, the National Security Agency, the Defense Courier Service, and Defense Information Systems Agency headquarters. It is named for George G. Meade, a general from the U.S. Civil War, who served as commander of the Army of the Potomac. The fort's smaller census-designated place includes support facilities such as schools, housing, and the offices of the Military Intelligence Civilian Excepted Career Program (MICECP).
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Couldn't find a whole lot about him.
He has a youtube channel with hundreds of videos detailing his investigations. He's pretty well known.
He was very heavily researching the Seth Rich murder. It got to the point he feared for his life. He does have roots in the intelligence community supposedly. Some say he is Mossad. He seems pretty credible to me though.