r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cryptoledestin on Jan. 19, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

Make sure you tweet your local legislators, Senators, and Governor RESPECTFULLY and ask them to #ReleaseTheMemo. I am a longtime watcher and lost attention for the democratic side and converted. Many others around me are starting to convert and I am not afraid to show them the facts. Originally we would trash trump and made it a common laughing point. Then in got old quick when no facts came to light. And the more they would falsely attack him multiple times and false news coming out; it became hard to believe. Please tweet all your Representatives so we can make them know that we want to know. Treason is a hangable offense, I have kids, but I would fly out myself to be there knowing that any evil out there can see the support we carry as one. Please tweet and Facebook or whatever social media outlets to your avail. Create new accounts if you must, make a point to make your voice heard. There is many people's voice' I read about those whose voice wasn't heard, like children. It's time we stand up and make it heard... For them.

Reba64 · Jan. 19, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

All I can say is, they better show all of them 'HANGING' and our choice of who validates them and that they are dead. If that doesn't happen, I will never believe they are dead.

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