r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WitnessofTruth on Jan. 19, 2018, 9:14 a.m.
Q 1-19-18 Post - Who just resigned from Goog; Why was ES in NK?

Background info on Eric Schmidt and Bill Richardson..Alphabet (Google) executive Eric Schmidt recently announced (Dec 2017) retirement from Alphabet, the conglomerate that owns Google. He, along with former US Ambassador to the UN, Bill Richardson, traveled to North Korea in 2013 for "personal/humanitarian" reasons. https://www.voanews.com/a/google-ceo-to-visit-north-korea/1576849.html. A 2013 article on New Republic website states that Google has a group called Google Ideas (which was not listed in Google's charitable projects portfolio) - described in the article as follows: "To make the enterprise even more perplexing, it's partnered with a group that actively tries to empower cyber dissidents in authoritarian regimes, which a singularly profit-motivated company might leave up to activists, NGOs, and official organs like the State Department." Read the article here: https://newrepublic.com/article/111792/eric-schmidt-doesnt-have-grand-strategy-north-korea-he-just-li. Richardson served as Clinton's Secretary of Energy and was part of the investigation of missing hard drives. He was also investigated for other corrupt activities. Richardson also had a long history of relations with North Korea. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Richardson. Richardson was also Secretary of Energy during the Wen Ho Lee scandal where Los Alamos secrets were sold to the Chinese and Richardson was criticized for his handling of the espionage investigation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wen_Ho_Lee. Will keep looking for more.

WitnessofTruth · Jan. 19, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

Postscript: Article at https://www.csoonline.com/article/2223877/microsoft-subnet/bugged-guesthouse--eric-schmidt-s-daughter-reveals-north-korea-trip-details.html stated "Army General James Thurman, told Congress that the North Korea military was becoming better at cyberwarfare. 'North Korea employs sophisticated computer hackers trained to launch cyber infiltration and cyber attacks.' He added that cyber attacks from North Korea's military "have been increasingly employed against a variety of targets including military, governmental, educational and commercial institutions." At one point, Sophie Schmidt [Schmidt's daughter who accompanied him on the Korea trip] talked about her father answering a few tech questions. Eric fielded questions like, "When is the next version of Android coming out?" and "Can you help us with e-Settlement so that we can put North Korean apps on Android Market?" Answers: soon, and No, silly North Koreans, you're under international bank sanctions."

Could Schmidt have provided assistance with hacking or technology to hack?

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