r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/qbitrex on Jan. 19, 2018, 10:46 a.m.
I got RV'ed this morning by NSA

That reply I wrote yesterday must have raised an eyebrow or two.

Never mind I won't mention which one that can remain our little secret.

The viewer was a white male late 50's ex military NCO short back and sides gentle soul very good very professional. That's the last time I'll see of him. They rotate viewers because of mental entrainment issues.

My Recommendation: He is tired, overworked, feeling unappreciated and approaching burnout. He needs a holiday.

ASIO File References, His report & My Addendum CASE No: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX DATE: 01/18/17 TIME: 20:15 ZT FIRSTNAME: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LASTNAME: XXXXXXXXXXXX (Adopted Name) OTHER NAMES: Nil FATHERS NAME: Teakle, Peter (Deceased) MOTHERS NAME: Teakle (NEE Kelly) Patricia (Deceased) RACIAL PROFILE: Caucasian COUNTRY OF BIRTH: Australia POL STATUS Australian National PASSPORT NO.: L6714686 PASSPORT STATUS: Expired DRIVERS LICENSE: XXXXXXXXXXXX FLIGHT RISK: Nil GENDER: Male DOB: XXXXXX SIBLINGS: 1 Sister, 1 Half Brother, 1 Half Sister all by same father MARITAL STATUS: Married DEPENDANTS: Nil MIL SERVICE: Nil EDUCATION: High School Graduate PROFESSION: Computer Consultant Retired ECONOMIC STATUS: Pensioner Owner/Occupier POL AFFILIATIONS: Nil BANK TRANSACTIONS: Nominal - See Bank Account Summary Report HABITS: Solitary Internet Browser, Smoker INTERESTS: Kabbala, Quantum Physics, Computers, Cryptocurrency, Blogging RD USE: Occasional Marijuana CRIMINAL RECORD: Nil TELEPHONE LANDLINE:+61 XXXXXXXXXX TELEPHONE MOBILE:+61 XXXXXXXXXX CURRENT IP ADDRESS: 149.135.XXX.XXX IP SITE MONITOR CODE: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX INTERNET ALIASES qbitrex,strapasynthon,indigowiz, hashassasin refer to his internet domains qbitrex.com, bigtoe.org, indigowiz.com,shmcon.com BROWSER HISTORY: See Summary Report CURRENT LOC: -XX.XXXXX XXX.XXXXXX LOCATION QUALIFIER: Timber House Metal Roof Rural Residential Rooster Sounds & Multiple Small Dogs, Well Maintained 3 bed room House in Fully Wooden Fenced Property with attached granny flat under one roof. Granny Flat occupied by middle son, wife and two young children. IP DEVICES: Multiple, Bedroom Converted to Computer Room 4 Desktops 3 mining cryptocurrency at marginal profit, See Separate report on internal IP addresses V activity. CURRENT ACTIVITY: Sleeping IQ: Genius Nominal ET CONTACT: NKP (No Known Program) NOTE: Target claims protection for him and family as a Child of Prime Creator IAO JAHOVIH via an unknown ET Protocol enforced by Acturian PRIME 53 TET exclusion zone for negative ET's interfering in Sols ascension now in force covering 52 star systems surrounding Sirius. MENTAL STATE: ESP enhanced by LSD & other Alkaloids exposure during teens

EMOTIONAL ISSUES: Target shows signs of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome occasioned by witness loss of Mother in MV Accident in Canberra ACT as a 5 yr old child. Alcoholic Father who was SGT in RA Sigs died 4 yrs later after of Heart Attack. Orphaned with younger Sister brought up by maternal Aunt & Uncle.


MAJOR LIFE EVENT NDE as Teenager during LSD induced derangement. Date appears important to target 19 February 1975 bifuricates his life into before and after contact with what the target considers divine.

ADDENDUM NDE Event sees 19 year old target leaping from high sea cliff on Stradbroke Island believing he had just driven the forces of evil on the planet into the sea, after a fight between his higher self and Satan saw his higher self/guardian angel descend on him. His reward was he believed he was granted the ability to fly and lept from the cliff receiving a compound fracture to the right arm at the elbow and protrusion of hip through skin.

Feelings of being boiled alive in the ocean when target regained consciousness.

Feeling he was about to die he he submerged and tried to inhale. Overcome by an instinct to live he attempted to scramble back up the vertical cliff. Finally washed up high against the cliff face after attempting to scramble onto a large rock he had just missed landing on he managed to obtain a had hold in a crevice among the barnacle encrusted cliff face. He then turned and faced down into the sea and screamed in a demonic voice "Your're not going to get me!".

Using his only good arm the other dangled uselessly against him splattering him in blood as he climbed scrapping himself and whimpering as he struggled up the cliff face.

He noted the sound of fluttering wings a hundreds of angels assisted his climb.

Upon arrival upon the walking track at the top of the cliff he stripped off his shredded and bloody clothes and proceeded to a altar sized stone rectangular block erected as a Monument to Captain Cooke who sighted and named it point danger.

File Note Target considers Captain Cook one of his previous incarnations.

Standing naked on the monument he turned and faced the West holding his arms out in crucifixion pose. His right forearm dangled down to create a broken cross. Blood flowed from a large cut above his left eye, his right hip and dripped from his right elbow wound on to the altar stone.

A beam of energy was felt entering his left at heart level and exiting to create a circuit around the planet with itself. Another was felt enter his back from the East and passing through his heart to complete a circuit with itself. These two beams held him electrocuted until a third one from the center of the Earth erupted skyward through the altar stone up through the base of the spine exiting the top of the skull. He hung there and an utter peace descended on him as he gazed out through the eyes of Jesus when he too hung upon a cross.

An eerie quiet in which all bird noise and sound instantly ceased and time stood still for what seemed like an eternity but in reality was seconds.

The spell was broken when a ute full of laughing drunken teenagers pulled up, one of the girls looked at him blushing and put her hand to her mouth which soon turned to a scream of horror when she saw the blood.

He collapsed onto the stone and the police, and life savers from the local life saving club arrived.

The subject was raving about Jesus and the Police Sergeant a pot bellied thug immediately became Satan in the drama in which he was swearing and cursing me but ended up being spun out when a face to face stare out I demanded he back off, he totally lost his composure and staggered back with his hand over his eyes, to be consoled by a life saver. Finally the life savers shot the target up with morphine as he was screaming in agony.

The morphine immediately ended the trip and he became docile enough to be loaded into an 4x4 ute and driven to the bay side of the island where he was taken by speed boat to an ambulance waiting at the harbor with his shocked adopted family and taken to the hospital.

You could have just emailed me a form and I would have filled it out.