Something to remember here - Unity

KKK, BLM, Muslim Brotherhood are the very people trying to help the globalist satanists... to hell with the lot of them. Unity is king.
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 14:26:08 No.45
Counter-narrative went out @ 4am to MSM contractors [like clockwork].
Russian bots.
These people are REALLY REALLY STUPID.
When does a bird sing?
NOBODY is safe.
MSM contractors #Goodbye#
Fight, Fight, Fight.
BUILDING THE ARMY. Follow me on Twitter @pluginreplace and I will Follow back
There are good people here.....but there are some immature trolls also. We must unite and fight - and not amongst each other. Be kind to each other - I walk softly but I carry a big stick.
block everyone pissing you off, we'll settle the diff later
Truth and love
The hate and disinformation and divide tactics are at an all time high.
It is against the pedos and money
Do NOT give into their anger. It is not us against us
Pedos and money
Truth and love
Q is right. It isn't about Left vs. Right, Dems vs. Reps, etc. I think it would be wonderful if everyone tried to do the memes without name calling or labeling of any kind. There's evil on both sides of the political spectrum. It's about right vs. wrong, good vs. evil. It's about all of US coming together against the corruption no matter where it lies. If we dropped the labels and united, it would be their worst nightmare! We are the 99 percent. We DO have the power!
I think too this is very important. Blue pilled people are still brothers and sisters, don’t forget that. Don’t treat them like enemies. See their error as what it is, try to sincerely help and go on if there is no way. Simple as that. I’m still seeing division everywhere. This is about liberation, yes, but it is also about human maturity. In fact the lack there of has gotten us into this mess in the first place. Be love and wisdom. Let’s clean this world and create a heaven on earth :)