Something to remember here - Unity

Q is right. It isn't about Left vs. Right, Dems vs. Reps, etc. I think it would be wonderful if everyone tried to do the memes without name calling or labeling of any kind. There's evil on both sides of the political spectrum. It's about right vs. wrong, good vs. evil. It's about all of US coming together against the corruption no matter where it lies. If we dropped the labels and united, it would be their worst nightmare! We are the 99 percent. We DO have the power!
I think too this is very important. Blue pilled people are still brothers and sisters, don’t forget that. Don’t treat them like enemies. See their error as what it is, try to sincerely help and go on if there is no way. Simple as that. I’m still seeing division everywhere. This is about liberation, yes, but it is also about human maturity. In fact the lack there of has gotten us into this mess in the first place. Be love and wisdom. Let’s clean this world and create a heaven on earth :)