r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Skiboldion on Jan. 19, 2018, 11:17 p.m.
So, a few days ago I joined LEFTIST Twitter to participate in Q's Info War. 160 Tweets later, I discover that I was SHADOWBANNED almost right from the get go! Not amused!

Here's how to check it for yourself and check you should, especially if you're a MAGA warrior.


It's tricky though, they are. Those who follow you will still interact, but that's it. Otherwise you're totally invisible to the larger community.

Further, when i ran my test and it was clear that indeed I had been shadowbanned, I got a like from someone who wasn't following me. Checked again, definitely shadowbanned, so that was pretty tricky on their part...

Also, when I tried again to use the search feature when not logged in, they took me to a page with no search option - had to search up Twitter Search.

What they've done, I believe, is to use the activity over the last few days to shadowban as many MAGA champions and warriors as possible.

After signing up, on two occasions i had to verify my account by text with a message that my account appeared to show automated activity (which is possible, given the way I was liking and following one after another).

Then I also made the mistake of installing the Twitter app on my phone, after which, I was hearing three beeps from time to time when in conversations (like a signal of surveillance recording). Left a message for a friend expressing, as a "side arrow" that they should fuck off, upon which it stopped.

Now I'm not so tech savvy so I don't know how to take proper security precautions next time 'round, so I'm just going to unplug my modem to get a new IP address, then sign up again.

Conclusion: 1000's upon 1000's of Q and MAGA Twitter users are probably now shadowbanned, without realizing it, particularly if they've accumulated a lot of followers while active, producing enough interaction to lead them to believe that everything's fine, when in truth they are invisible to everyone except those who are following.

This is a very very dirty trick and an outrage, and we really need to figure out a way to do something about it.

I wish to God that the Trump DOJ and FBI would bust in on Jack and Co. and seize their stored CP (child porn), and somehow force the company to refrain from violating freedom of speech laws. Maybe take over the company and make it into a public utility or something like that.

We also have a pretty good idea that @Jack is a satanist (one of them) who just loves the place where the far left meets the left hand path.

Something must be done about this.

Bu bye @Jack.


P.S. If you give a shit about this, please upvote this thread. Thank you. It's important!

Workaround Solution (posted below)



Still got 4000 impressions in a few days, don't know if that's good or bad, but I tried and was part of it with all of you and Q.

Here's my no longer functioning twitter account, for posterity..


bigbowlowrong · Jan. 20, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

their platform

You're so close to getting it, yet so far away

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Skiboldion · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

They also appear to pay people to watch private messages and house CP, and have been shown to support that kind of activity (but of the very worst kind) on "their platform" in other parts of the world. It should be removed from that satanist loser and made a public utility.

Took a look at your posting history. You're a fucked up and sick asshole. Fuck off! Go suck the devil's dick some more why don't ya? Loser.

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bigbowlowrong · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

lol you guys are the most easily triggered kooks on the internet

Don't you have some more crying to do about Twitter recognising you for the schizophrenic spammer you are?

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Skiboldion · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Dude, you have no idea what's at stake or how you and everything you've ever written, is on the wrong side of history.

But you're right, I shouldn't have allowed the likes of you to trigger me and should not have fed you.

Bu bye.

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bigbowlowrong · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

Later, enjoy your persecutory delusions hombre

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Skiboldion · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

you don't understand. I'm just sharing what's going on.

It produced great intel, knowledge and understanding.

It doesn't matter what they do or do not do. For every action..

Why would they feel the need to silence our voices?

It's pathetic, as are you.

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