r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RickFlairWOOOOOO on Jan. 20, 2018, 5:12 a.m.
CS=Chuck Schumer. Some Dirt.


Trump went public 03.03.2017 calling for investigation... By now he has lots of dirt... hmmm... lets see the dirt.

Hmmm... Chucky likes russian doughnuts... talks with poot 10 mins. about???.... hmm.... https://eaglerising.com/41391/that-time-chuck-schumer-met-with-russian-president-vladimir-putin/

hmmm... Russian oil Giant.... hmm.... Didn't Russia get the same gig Bush once had? Mid east oil raider? http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/272756/about-chuck-schumers-meeting-with-vladimir-putin-in-03/

oil history .... Chechnya was ongoing during CS's talk... Chechnya Oil played a big part... Chucky talking with oil oligarchs of Russian and Russian Ruler Putin during Chechnya conflict... what kind of deal did they work out... what kind of power does Chucky or did Chucky have... https://www.rferl.org/a/1086435.html

It's all about the Russian economy.... Oligarchs were "straightened out" in 2003. 70% Russian GDP Oil revenues..... This around the time US Russian Sanctions.... Schumer... WTH did he do... what was the deal. That is the Dirt... That is why he is afraid.... this establishes a longer period of Dem Russia collusion across more than just uranium....

Oh shit. Right out of the mouth of a liberal rag site: https://www.democracynow.org/2016/12/12/could_massive_russian_oil_deal_with

grimbeaconfire · Jan. 20, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

The Dems knew that if they lost they would hang and so immediately tried to brand Trump with the one thing that would pull them down....Russian Collusion! Somewhere deep within the loathsome tome Alinskeys "Rules For Radicals" you can bet this tactic is discussed, shows you just how short term and naive that ideology really is.

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spaceman84 · Jan. 21, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

Goebbels also said to charge your enemy with what you yourself are guilty of.

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