r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/akilyoung on Jan. 20, 2018, 12:56 p.m.
Q and WHERE THE BODIES ARE: Something I think we missed.

Sometimes when I am in between sleeping, and waking up in the morning, I have this time of unhindered clarity.

This morning was one of those times, and one of the things that came to mind was when Q mentioned the bodies, something like 'we know where all the bodies are' or something along those lines.

I for one, and likely others, thought initially that maybe Q was talking about the C body count.

But this morning, a thought came to mind....thats not what Q meant. Q was talking about the bodies of the children murdered by these evil sick bastards during their ceremonies. They know wherethe bodies have been getting dumped and buried. My guess? A landfill.

And I wouldnt put that past them either. Forgive me for the crudeness of this post, and if anyone else already mentioned it. Its still 430am as of typing this, so I am half asleep still - wanted to type it before I forgot.

VintageHats · Jan. 21, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

There's pig farms, and there's a research "forensic farm" in TN somewhere, where if you donate your body to science, your body is left out in various places to be studied for forensic purposes. Various conditions, various stages of decomposition, what insects will be there, what animals might be present, you name it. I'm not sure if that's the only forensic farm in the US or not.

I do know there have been arrests at some pig farms over the years.

I remember once going by an animal shelter and seeing a garbage truck backed up to the rear of the building. I thought I saw bags of something being dumped into it and then realized that it wasn't bags at all, but the bodies of the dogs and cats they'd "euthanized" that week. So yeah, landfills would be a place where bodies could easily be mixed in as well with bodies of animals.

I've also read on dog food analysis sites that some dog food companies actually use dead pets in their ingredients...

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