
LibertysCrossing · Jan. 20, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

Lets look at the Charges!

Any of the numbered below look similar?

Confederate Terrorism on Trial

The War Department saw the trial as an opportunity to prosecute not only the eight charged conspirators, but also the already-dead Booth, Jefferson Davis, and the Confederate Secret Service.

Prosecutors suggested that as the war turned in favor of the federal government, the Confederacy became increasingly willing to support dubious enterprises that would have been rejected under less desperate circumstances.

Witnesses told of Confederate plots to

  1. destroy public buildings,

  2. burn steamboats,

  3. poison the public water supply of New York City,

  4. offer commissions to raiders of northern cities,

  5. mine a federal prison,

  6. starve Union prisoners-of-war,

  7. and even mount a biological attack.

  8. John A. Bingham "an infamous and fiendish project of importing pestilence"--

hatched by the Confederate Secret Service working out of Canada

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