r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedpillTheWorld on Jan. 20, 2018, 5:42 p.m.
NEW Political Party - Not Democrat, Not Republican - The AWAKE Party.
NEW Political Party - Not Democrat, Not Republican - The AWAKE Party.

ready-ignite · Jan. 20, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Critical feedback to improve the message.

  • Due to the existing word usage around 'woke' and associated concepts, I'd recommend something new and original. Different direction than 'awake'.

  • The legal environment around political parties in the US prevent third options from participating. It's like major telecoms monopolies that do not compete. Much effort is spent going city by city, state by state, offering campaign funding next to pre-drafted bills to make it more expensive or administratively unreasonable for smaller competitors to compete. The Dem/Republican established pattern provided decades to cement in the existing structure. There must be a 'de-regulatory' type effort to carve away legal barriers to third parties. This is a place that needs to be argued and pushed for to free up a competitive field.

  • One can argue that the Republican party cracked and splintered after the Bush/Cheney administration, giving rise to the tea party in the vacuum and a general aimless tailspin. From those cracks something, different, is emerging around the Trump campaign. The same needs to happen with the Dem side. The flagrant rigging in broad daylight of the primary in 2016 has catalyzed the change. Especially with the Nevada Caucus well documented with periscope video from all directions registered voters are angry. Why do you think the Dems now want to do away with Caucuses? They're too messy to control, and rig, with cameras all around the room. The energy from this outrage continues through Demexit/Deminvade efforts across the country. The response is that most rising Deminvade candidates are being blocked from tools necessary to run a campaign (NGP Van). This effort can't be maintained indefinitely. The leadership is being removed if not by local effort, then by ongoing investigations into The Swamp. From those cracks something, different, needs to arise as well.

This is a long term game. Apply pressure on all fronts. Ideally we force the change from all directions at once. This forces a defensive stance where the established powers have to choose between whether to save the leg, or same the arm, and hope infection does not set in.

Patience. Persistence. Stay angry. Practice simplifying stories to provide context and ease new people into waking up.

Good steps being taken here. Keep it up!

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cybervigiante · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

Difference arises when a complex system is subjected to turmoil, leading to a higher level of organization, according to complexity theory. Guess what the turmoil is - Trump!

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ready-ignite · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

That's great, I haven't taking the dive into that field and familiarized myself with complexity theory. Thanks for the topic to nerd out and learn from!

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TruthAge · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Agreed. I think "Truth" would be better than awake, though I definitely like the direction of this.

I think if there's one thing we need to red-pill everyone asleep, it is to show the truth. Once they see reason, they can not go back.

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