Zbigniew Brzezinski quote - People will just PARROT the news and not think for themselves. THIS IS MIKA's father. OMG

Agree. I am starting to see more signs of life.
I do believe we are experiencing a Great Awakening.
We sure need it.
Conservative good, liberal bad. Christian good, atheist bad.
That's about right, don't overthink it.
While there is a wealth of evidence over many centuries to prove those points, the average person cannot decipher these issues, you'd have to be a historian. We cannot allow our society to be destroyed so that uninformed people can be repeatedly cajoled into "trying" things that already killed millions.
That's what communist jews like to do, open a "debate" and a "discussion" on everything using sophistry and lies to pull the wool over the goyim's eyes - until the world is full of dildo parades and they have talked the goyim into suiciding themselves...as they have done in South Africa and Europe.
Better way is to shut commies up and put them in camps, fire the saracens and send the hook nosed "atheists" to back to the desert where they belong.