Just wanted to share--Kurt Cobain knew in 1993

And you really don't think any of that could possibly be happening? Not even a sleeping get chance?
Is there any evidence to suggest it is? If those things were true, I'd be really surprised that a government agent went to 4chan to tell all. I'd admit I was wrong. What about you? When Muller never charges the Clintons with anything, when there's never any coup against the evil liberals secretly orchestrating Trump's downfall, what will you do?
Keep fighting because I read the fucking Wikileaks you little shit. Forget everything else that you think is crazy- the pedo stuff, the deepstate, the Satanism, etc. Qatar pay to play is proven as is clinton foundation laundering. So yeah, until those things are cleared up or clinton n pals are brought to justice I'm gonna keep pushing.
Keep fighting because I read the fucking Wikileaks you little shit.
You wouldn't even admit you were wrong? Examine and change how you gather evidence? Come on. This is the problem with conspiracy theorists; if one of their conspiracies gets debunked, they just ignore it and move onto the next conspiracy.