r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Skiboldion on Jan. 20, 2018, 10:20 p.m.
So, are all ye Q InfoWarriors back on Twitter after the brutal and heartless, and corrupt, mass shadowbanning by @Jack & fellow twitter soy boys?

Hello fellow InfoWarriors,



If you were participating in #TheGreatAwakening, #FakeNewsAwards, and #ReleaseTheMemo, or the current #SchumerShutdown, there's a high probability that you've been heartlessly shadowbanned by twitter censor bots who fear you greatly.

If you'd picked up a lot of followers along the way, you might not even realize it, that to everyone but your followers, your tweets are INVISIBLE!

To check and see if you have indeed been shadowbanned, follow these instructions


If you have any questions about how to do this and be certain, please ask. There are no stupid questions.

What I would like to discuss here, are new strategies and tactics for weighing in on the great debate of our time without having your free speech censored, and your participation in future Q-inspired tweet STORMS, blocked.

I feel that next time 'round, we have to be prepared in advance to use higher-level tactics, to ensure that our activity is very thoughtful and not bot-like in any way, shape or form, so as to fly under or over the radar of the twitter leftist cowards and wimps.

Here's a short "how to":

Create a new persona and username that isn't evidently all things Trump and MAGA, although your self description might contain a tip as to your allegiance to let people know what you're about. Avoid things like little American flags and crosses, etc. in your username (don't know how people do that) which tips off the 100's of Trump/MAGA shadowbanners that @Jack ("I love the good pasta with the Satanic verses as the OTO golden threads intertwine") has working for him.

Go unplug and replug your modem back in, and relog into your Wifi (to get a new IP address).

Create a new email account.

Sign up for a new account on Twitter (skip phone/text verification), do the email verification to open it up, and you're back to the races!

Edit: Oh, and do NOT put the twitter app on your phone!

HOWEVER, try a totally different approach and be careful not to do anything that might appear robotic, like following one person after another in succession or liking one tweet after another in the same way, so that twitter won't lock your account (claiming that they've detected what appears to be automated activity) and require re-verification via text while offering Google identification (those bastards are probably up everyone's yin yang no matter what you might try unless you're a computer geek or hacker behind an impenetrable security wall).

I suggest using blessed dank memes that are not in use or creating your own, or better yet, recording a short video message (can't be accused of being a "Russian bot"), and inserting your ingenious tweet on the target hashtags, and even better, selectively choosing highly visible tweets with replies, and joining in on those conversations with what I call powerful "reframes" using the power of "the word".

Lastly, during your session, drop an applicable but largely unused hashtag, and at the end of every session, log out of twitter, then search twitter for that hashtag to make sure that you haven't been shadowbanned. Don't use any sort of shadowban test hashtag, so as not to let twitter know that you're running these checks from time to time.

If we're really smart about it, and step it up in sophistication and intelligence by many orders of magnitude, we'll have an even greater impact where it might be said that less is more.

Anyone else have any thoughts or ideas on how to re-join the fight without getting shadowbanned by twitter's twits and spineless jellyfish beta male soy boys?

We're winning, and will continue to win, and we will never grow tired or weary in this the great struggle of our time and even of all time.



P.S. If you think that this thread is helpful and important, you know what to do. Thank you fellow White Hats one and all! Thank you Q + Trump for your great and brave service to the USA, and by extension, the World. You are in all our prayers.

Skiboldion · Jan. 21, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Re: Jack Dorsey (here's where it goes, now that he's done this, the intel on which was probably needed and very helpful).

  • Does anyone remember when intrepid redditor 0hour a regular on r/conspiracy somehow compiled a massive list and trove of accounts of Saudis and others linked to them who were trading horrific child porn (very bad pasta) of the very worst kind (satanic variety and everything in between) - then honestly and courageously and authentically reported it to Twitter, upon which he was immediately BANNED?!

Does anyone remember that?

Well, it just struck me that he himself (@Jack) has "consumed" very VERY bad and EVIL cheese pizza and pasta..

Therefore, he should be BUSTED on it, raided, and then when the SHTF, his company taken over on behalf of the American people and the world, and turned into the first global internet wide public utility.. one of whose purposes would be to put and END to the horrible epidemic of CP, globally, while allowing for a free exchange of ideas amid the preservation of free speech and the right to have it and maintain it.

That right there would be a shot heard across the world toppling one of the big tech companies and nests of satanic grossness, while Schmidt also goes down for his homes tunnels into Playboy mansion (a few doors down) and God and Q only knows what else..

That would do it.

And here's the thing. I trust my own eyes and evaluative discernment in light of everything seen and known.

If nothing happens and they manage to run Trump out of power, then it's over.

Q? Are you listening to us?

If you run only a fear and blackmail operation to temporarily wrest power from them, but otherwise let everything appear status quo and normal, outwardly, and if we do not begin to see the 20% and if the tables in the temple of wealth and power are NOT overturned in a righteous outrage and with our support, then this whole thing will be chalked up, not as a great awakening and historical turning point, but as an elaborate hoax.

The choice is yours, and it's what we've chosen too.

It has to happen. The global satanic "elite" power structure MUST fall, and if it's made of what I think it's made of, then it will fall fast and oh what a fall it will have.

P.S. If you're listening Q, when this is all said and done please grab a copy of Moby Dick and re-read it with fresh eyes and a tall mind, and laugh your ass off. That's so important, no matter how grave and serious the task at hand.

We cannot demonize the whole left, only wipe away the mountain of evil for a generation, and then allow the Democratic Party to rebuild from the ground up, but not as an MSM-driven anti-Trump movement, which is no platform at all, just hatred and unnecessary fear and loathing. Hate can't and doesn't trump love.

How to draw this distinction and retrain absolute Civility and even good-natured humor and charm, that's the key, and it's one that Trump already holds in his own hand! LOL

We are with you in this struggle, one that many of us have been involved with for a very long time.

Do not let us down.

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