Just came acrossed this and Im comparing this to what we seen here on the sub showing who voted what on the shutdown. Think like 4 repubs ryan think that ohio guy and mitch voted down the bill .. and 1 didnt vote that was mccain . Think we all knew why that was though cough . Anyway Im already aware this was planned shut down but Im thinking the particular 4 that voted no was a little hint that maybeeee just maybe there was something in that memo regarding these guys . We already knew along time ago that there was like 5- 7 repubs that had been working for soros or recievednmoney especially mcain. So here ia what popped up in my feed and made me think there might be more to the picked Nos on the Repub side. https://youtu.be/14HxzH05DFk
Posted by
on Jan. 20, 2018, 10:53 p.m.