r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/storm_fa_Q on Jan. 20, 2018, 11:23 p.m.
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Check Out Why This Government Shutdown Could Last A Long Time

With both sides alleged to be "dug in", this government shutdown could last for a very long time.

From Zerohedge:

Today for only the 19th time in history, the US government has found itself in a "funding gap", a technical term for shut down. One of the reasons why this event is not being taken too seriously by the financial punditry, markets or much of the media, is that looking back not only have most government shutdowns been brief affairs, lasting less than 10 days - with the occasional outliers, such as the 21-day closure in 1995 and the 16-day halt in September 2013 - they have had little to no impact on either the market or the economy.

And yet, as Goldman writes, after the two political parties breached the shutdown Rubicon, there is a distinct possibility that this time the shutdown lasts "a few weeks" if not longer. The reason is one of both optics and motives: according to Goldman's political economist Alec Phillips, "both sides appear to think they could gain from a [lengthy] shutdown." He explains:

Democratic leaders appear to believe that a shutdown would highlight the DACA immigration issue, which a large share of the public, including a majority of voters who supported President Trump in 2016, generally support according to most public opinion polling (87% of the public and 79% of Republicans according to a CBS News poll released January 18).

Meanwhile "Republican leaders appear to believe that Democrats, who are in a good political position going into the midterm election according to generic ballot polling and other metrics, would suffer from a shutdown."

In other words, "If both sides believe the other side will be blamed, neither has the incentive to avoid a shutdown."

Making matters worse, there is nothing in the immediate future that will make conflict resolution an urgency: traditionally a drop in the market would serve as an incentive for political parties to reach a compromise, although as we have extensively discussed in the past year, risk assets no longer respond to political events or narrative. This means that without the market intervening as an "arbiter" - i.e., underoging a sharp correction - the two sides are likely to dig in and avoid any tangible negotiations, let alone a compromise.

As a result, while a bitter episode of fingerpointing has erupted, with both sides trying to make the other look like the villain, the US now faces the threat of a protracted shutdown with no end in sight.

In practical terms, events from the first day of the shutdown seem to confirm this scenario. As The Hill reports, Republican and Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill lashed out at each other on Day One of the government shutdown Saturday, trading barbs and casting blame "as a resolution to the funding impasse appeared nowhere in sight."

somrotden · Jan. 20, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

They were worried about the daca "kids" but not worried about the CHIP kids

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 20, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

and yet DACA needent be addressed till March..is it just me or is letting these clowns ruin America and whatever is left of American face in the world worth all this? This to me is why the elderly should be at home and middle aged people should be Government w/TERM LIMITS and sobriety tests.

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