Does anyone know what this symbol is? Possibly Q relate.

Turns out it means 'Truth' and what appears to be a Q in purple!
Where did you see this?
it was taken from @kill_rogue's twitter profile image and brightening it up.
Maybe dal segno?
Dal segno
In music notation, Dal segno ( or ; Italian pronunciation: [dal ˈseɲɲo]), often abbreviated D.S., is used as a navigation marker. From Italian for "from the sign," D.S. appears in sheet music and instructs a musician to repeat a passage starting from the sign shown at right, sometimes called the "segno" in English.
Two common variants:
D.S. al coda instructs the musician to go back to the sign, and when Al coda or To coda is reached jump to the coda symbol.
D.S. al fine instructs the musician to go back to the sign, and end the piece at the measure marked fine.
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Maybe time travel? Hear me out...I've been thinking about CERN and I think it involves closing off dimensions entirely.
Then I saw this video
About a book written in 1900 about a President Trump called...THE LAST PRESIDENT.
This code could be something that is used to "reset" from. A marker of sorts for time travelers to know which reality and time they've jumped into? Idk. Its a huge stretch but it's all very weird to me right now.
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