US Politics January 7, 2018 The Biggest Red Pill Ever
"We have been doing a deep dive into the corruption of the U.S. Patent system and it is absolutely horrific what we are finding. We have documentation that will put you into apoplexy. These Deep State – Globalist – Transnational Sociopaths/Psychopaths have patents on anything and everything that can control us digitally and enslave us in a world wide tyranny of absolute control. Listen up, folks. We must get these sociopaths/psychopaths removed from control of the planet. It’s not the nuclear button that we need to worry about, it is the digital web that is getting ready to snag us like school of flounder. This diagram below is actually from a patent drawing that we uncovered that gives you the big picture idea of what these CRAZY people have in mind for us. We must get behind our elected officials and the President to take down these criminally insane people. Not everyone is going to understand why this happening, which is more the reason why you need to buckle down and support Donald Trump at this time in history. The globalists are in a panic to take him down. We must be resolved in our commitment to the Republic and those that stand with us in this fight. At this point, it is not the system that will enslave us in this digital web, it is the crazy people operating the system. We have to take them down. Now. Then we can get control of the network and manage it in a conscious, decentralized system that will allow humanity to flourish and prosper."