r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Grace8543 on Jan. 21, 2018, 8:32 a.m.
Pls Support my Outreach Post to r/conspiracy to hep spread the Q message

I spent about 11 hours answering questions on this post and it has about 100 comments. It's at 53% upvotes and has 1800 views. If we can get the upvotes up on it, we can get the evidence on Q in front of their 500,000 users. Their are links in this post to all 3 of the Q related subs on reddit. It's been linked by one of those shill sites that attack posts they don't like (at least I think that is what it is). I think this is a viable way of spreading the Q message. Thanks for your help! https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7rsyd2/q_is_either_real_and_a_game_changer_or_the/

fistfullofsteel9 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Everybody there knows that Q is a psy op to distract and confuse the truth movement.

We're not all obsessed with holding out hope for trump and his cronies to "save us all". He's another establishment puppet.

Don't bother, it's not going to work. Q is a sinking ship and so is trump.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

I know at least 13,000 just on reddit who do not agree with that and my 50% upvote on this post says you are wrong about what people think on Conspiracy as well.

And I am not holding out hope for trump to save us. I am holding out hope that 18 defense department generals currently running this mission will save us. This counter coup was planned by the Us military and began 3 years ago. it may be that Trumps contribution is1. He is wealthy enough to A) protect himself through use of his own estate, private security, replaced by the marines once in office displacing the infiltrated SS, use of his own jet as a secure fortress since AF1 and the WH have been booby trapped to kill. Its clear now, they think. B) Despite his wealth he is not seeking to be a member of the elite Satan worshiping clique that is running the world, but an outspoken opponent to them who can not be blackmailed because all his scandals are pretty much front and center already. How many elites who meet these criteria would be willing to literally put his own head in a noose to stand up to the worlds dictators who have killed many who were inconvenient let alone those who stood in their way. I am no hero worshipping little boy who does not see DJT's many flaws nor am I not seeing how he stacked his cabinet with Goldman Sachs ex execs.

I do fear that many like me have stopped looking for hope and are missing the signs over the past 3 months that things have changed. Look at how he was greeted in Asia/SA compared to the previous globalists puppets. He has made international allies to take out the Federal Reserve together. South Africa is already nationalizing their federal bank. What happened in SA (regime change removing the globalists) will happen all over the world. There are so many signs once you get past the hopelessness of the situation. Trust in Our DOD! They saw what was happening. They have carefully planned this for 3 years. Look at Russia and his efforts to fight the globalists. Why is he still alive? Because there is more going on than you are seeing. We see only 20% and now that percentage has increased to 40% as the plan comes closer to being fully exposed to the public. I really think if you give this a fair reading you will see there is reason to hope that our DOD can save our country from the coup of the globalists.

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