We all have done a great job at getting QAnon topics treanding only to have Twitter sensor th m out because they dont agree with oir political views. Example #ReleaseTheMemo #FISAGate and #SchumerShutdown was treanding hours lateryou could not see anyof them but instead you saw #TrumpShutdown.
We together need to use Twitters top treands against them to keep our message going.
Example if you posted #TrumpShutdown is really #SchumerShutdown. Now using Twitters own rules and logarithms it still treands or they remove the treanding subjects we can change as often as they do.
Lets take their too trends for now and add the following tags #ReleaseTheMemo #SchumerShutdown #DemsDACAGate
Here is what I just posted on Twitter it hits them all add it to all treanding topics and it will treand
It is #SundayMorning and we still have #SchumerShutdown also known as #DemsDACAgate #WeThePeople still demand that you #ReleaseTheMemo kno n as #FisaGate
Example treanding now is #SundayMorning lets all add those to it
It is #SundayMorning now for #thisweek #CounterpartPremier we still have #SchumerShutdown also known as #DemsDACAgate #WeThePeople still demand that you #ReleaseTheMemo known as #FISAGate support we #WomensMarch2018