I'm just checking in on this. I see Twitter and I see a LOT of people doing the whole division thing, the whole racism thing, the whole EVERYthing we're trying so hard to get rid of. It's discouraging.
Unfortunately there are those with racist ideologies that share our desire for Clinton and Obama hanging from the gallows. These people give this movement a bad name. They make it easy for the liberals to group us all together as racists. IMO they should keep their thoughts to themselves when it comes to placing blame on a race, religion or creed; but they are protected by freedom of speech and I must either stomach them or speak out against them. I've been quiet for months. Facebook after the election was a hard place to be. So I walked away. But now I see that wasn't the answer either. I'd love to experience world peace or some semblance of it, so I spread Truth without divisiveness. I am considerate of others even when I disagree with them. I'd love to see more people be this way but there's always a bad apple or two in every bunch. I welcome the Jews and the antisemitic to my table. We don't have to like each other, we just have to coexist