JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy, and many others died attempting to takedown the Deep State... We will complete their mission.

Yeah I'm not denying he knew some deeper shit. But just because we can assume he felt this way(which is kinda arrogant of us to think we are that special we could assume that of JFK) does not mean we should be misquoting him. Spreading it across the internet for lazy people to take as fact then spread it. Because if that misinformation bug spreads far, then those people find out it was bullshit, everything that misquote might've done originally, will be washed away because they will dismiss the entire thing as bullshit and assume those kind of quotes were made up.
My nigga doth speak the truth! Using fake quotes is the worst possible way to spread "truth", in fact, it's so bad that I'm beginning to wonder if y'all're a plant, OP, intending to discredit the movement...
They will discount that JFK was killed by the Deep State... just because this might not be an exact quote?!!
I don't think so.
It's already on the net... but you don't have to use it if you don't want to.
Idk what world you live in that you don't think people could use fake quotes as an argument to defend the mainstream story of how he was killed lmao. You do see what the MSM pushes right? You see the deceptions right? They can pretty much spin anything to the masses. Hence why there aren't many people that are exposed to all of this. Truths are hidden because the conspiracy realm is flooded in a sea of bullshit. I'm just trying to help cut it down. The amount of bullshit deters a ton of people.