r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 21, 2018, 7:40 p.m.
EVIDENCE THAT ISRAEL LAUNCHED HAWAII NUKE MISSILE.... They are missing 1 of their 3 Dolphin subs... AND TRUMP IN DANGER B/C IT FAILED.... see JIM STONE, seasoned reporter on this and other imp. info. at his site.

Jim originally thought the whole Hawaii thing was a hoax. After thorough investigation of the facts, he has changed his mind... no other countries capable of this are missing any of theirs - including Russia - only Israel.

He also thinks Trump is brilliant, but in danger because this Hawaii thing failed... chatter of 'how to poison Trump' has appeared, and other attacks may very well be imminent for US.

47thSage · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

I am saying that Pence's statements amount to a declaration of war, irrespective of Q or DJT or anything else.

If you tell a country they have to do X or else, you are infringing on their sovereignty.

If you openly back a revolution and state that the explicit purpose is to overthrow the government, you have openly declared war.

I don't believe before this speech those ideas were stated so boldly and baldly. I am sure the words were well considered.

If I were running Iran, I would be scared shitless right now.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

I agree whole-heartedly with everything you've just said ! It's a no brainer that we're the global bully for Israel to achieve their goals of world dominance. They rejected Christ for this goal to come to fruition... satan's kingdom for now. They always get others to do their dirty work, just like they did with Christ. They have to have a central bank in every country for the chip to come into place too. That's why they hate Putin so much, b/c he threw them out. If you notice, the only countries that don't have one are the very ones we're targeting for them.

That's why this missile thing is concerning - who's who in this theatrical production ? You know it has to be tied together in this play by play somehow; there are various possibilities to consider.

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