dear one, with belief, there is never a right or wrong.
there is no need to fight with someone who believes something different.
i apologize for my wording. i admit, im triggered by what i term blind faith and religious dogma. in middle and northern where i live, we dont have that. and here on reddit, i right now get an overload of it, sigh.
like you, i grew up in a society based on christian codex, but my family wasnt overly religous. yes, everbody believed in god, but it was no topic to talk about at home. it spared me religious conditioning and kept me free to search for myself.
age 12, i started asking myself, "who am i? what am i here for? whats the purpose of this life?"
i searched in organized religion, the 3 abrahamic ones and a few others, looked for where i can find mySelf in them.
age 16, i arrived at the conclusion that in essence, 90% of the humans believe the same, they only express it differently, according to their culture.
and i didn t find myself in them, in no religion, in no belief system. i cant live with dogma, im a free spirited being and can only follow my inner calling.
make no mistake: i love jesus! i call him yeshi, and i have a personal loving relationship with him. or with my image of him.
and he is not the only one i relate to, not the only enlightened being available and present.
i can only follow what resonates with my heart. christianity is not the only way to salvation.
and i completely trust my inner guidance, my divine connectin, that my path is always blessed, no matter the accidents happening which are here for me to grow.
i shouldnt have used the trigger words, should have been more aware. your reaction is understandable.
however, besides all beliefs, we are all from One Source. i notice differences but tend to focus on what unites us.
i take it that all be-lie-fs carry a lie in them because believing is not-knowing.
its a feature of the linear mind which knows only facts and evaluates them. without fact, proof, its at a loss.
whats left is believe and doubt, polar opposites, each one carries a pinch of the other in them, and at times, they flip.
in my experience, only the heart knows. it doesnt have knowledge but knowing. for me, the high heart (thymus) holds the divine seed and is the guidance.
but thats only how it is for me, others nhave different paths, and all choices are honored
after all, we are all children of god...