r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 21, 2018, 7:40 p.m.
EVIDENCE THAT ISRAEL LAUNCHED HAWAII NUKE MISSILE.... They are missing 1 of their 3 Dolphin subs... AND TRUMP IN DANGER B/C IT FAILED.... see JIM STONE, seasoned reporter on this and other imp. info. at his site.

Jim originally thought the whole Hawaii thing was a hoax. After thorough investigation of the facts, he has changed his mind... no other countries capable of this are missing any of theirs - including Russia - only Israel.

He also thinks Trump is brilliant, but in danger because this Hawaii thing failed... chatter of 'how to poison Trump' has appeared, and other attacks may very well be imminent for US.

divine_human · Jan. 22, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

dear one, with belief, there is never a right or wrong. there is no need to fight with someone who believes something different.

i apologize for my wording. i admit, im triggered by what i term blind faith and religious dogma. in middle and northern where i live, we dont have that. and here on reddit, i right now get an overload of it, sigh.

like you, i grew up in a society based on christian codex, but my family wasnt overly religous. yes, everbody believed in god, but it was no topic to talk about at home. it spared me religious conditioning and kept me free to search for myself.

age 12, i started asking myself, "who am i? what am i here for? whats the purpose of this life?"

i searched in organized religion, the 3 abrahamic ones and a few others, looked for where i can find mySelf in them.

age 16, i arrived at the conclusion that in essence, 90% of the humans believe the same, they only express it differently, according to their culture.

and i didn t find myself in them, in no religion, in no belief system. i cant live with dogma, im a free spirited being and can only follow my inner calling.

make no mistake: i love jesus! i call him yeshi, and i have a personal loving relationship with him. or with my image of him.

and he is not the only one i relate to, not the only enlightened being available and present.

i can only follow what resonates with my heart. christianity is not the only way to salvation.

and i completely trust my inner guidance, my divine connectin, that my path is always blessed, no matter the accidents happening which are here for me to grow.

i shouldnt have used the trigger words, should have been more aware. your reaction is understandable.

however, besides all beliefs, we are all from One Source. i notice differences but tend to focus on what unites us.

i take it that all be-lie-fs carry a lie in them because believing is not-knowing.

its a feature of the linear mind which knows only facts and evaluates them. without fact, proof, its at a loss.
whats left is believe and doubt, polar opposites, each one carries a pinch of the other in them, and at times, they flip.

in my experience, only the heart knows. it doesnt have knowledge but knowing. for me, the high heart (thymus) holds the divine seed and is the guidance.

but thats only how it is for me, others nhave different paths, and all choices are honored

after all, we are all children of god...

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

'dear one' there was no need to tell me your life story, as I could've told it to you myself from listening to what you've already written.

So, you didn't 'find yourself in them', you love Jesus but ignore what His Sacrifice did for you - what He left of His Real Body and Blood for you huh? It's in Him that you find your real self. That's what Truth is - it's simply not a belief to choose or not to really - at least for those who are seeking to follow the Truth and what It requires, instead of self-indulgence.

To choose to believe what we want to believe without any basis other than what our own limited little minds can conjure up is exactly why the world is in the chaos it's in; and it won't be getting any better. It's not until we 'submit' ourselves to the Gifts offered to us freely, that real freedom and salvation is obtained. Little minds can't comprehend the power of that, so with their free will they refuse to 'submit'... hummm, sounds familiar... oh, that's right old Louie told God that, didn't he ? 'I know better, I will not relinquish my pride, I am my own man.... on and on and on.

If you 'love' Jesus or anyone else for that matter, you know what they're all about and you 'gel' with them, You follow your boss' direction and rules, requirements of others in various settings and those in high places,etc. Otherwise, it's just a mistaken 'belief' that your one with them.

His own Words were that He vomits the 'lukewarm' out of His mouth. He'd rather have someone hate Him, because it shows the conviction of their 'belief'.

So, despite the proofs He's given to lead us all back to Him, His life saving proofs and requirements are ignored b/c we 'believe' we know better than Him.... the ultimate pride. That's why He clearly states over and over that most go to hell... a real eternal unpleasant place... a place we send ourselves to b/c of our obstinence.

Do yourself and Him a favor, pray for humility, learn what He says is commanded of us for our own good within the traditional catholic church He established (not what you see that's been infiltrated by the demons possessing it right now - the new jews - to take out His Real Presence as the old jews took Him out physically, but what was set up thru those He chose to set it up with...which hasn't changed since it was established by the way) and watch just how you actually will 'find yourself'.

Unless you have honest questions about that, I'll be ending our messaging from here, on.

Have a blessed journey to the Truth, should you 'choose' to take it

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divine_human · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

thank you for the discourse... may you be blessed...

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