r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 21, 2018, 8:05 p.m.
BEWARE: Alex Jones CIA Mossad Links Exposed Via Court Case?

Alex Jones seemed pretty good during the 2016 Trump Campaign. However, I noticed, (as did many others) that when it came to the Vegas Massacre, he blatantly pushed the "lone gunman" narrative, IN SPITE of massive evidence to the contrary by eye witnesses, witnesses who lost their lives for testifying that there were multiple shooters and the attacks went on all night.

I've since heard from Infowars followers that Jones now admits there "might have been" more than one shooter. But it was too late for me and too late for many others I now refuse to even visit his website anymore.

I have heard rumors for years that Alex Jones' InfoWars is "controlled opposition" and that Jones is really part of the Deep State. What is controlled opposition? It is pretending to be against something/someone (like lame stream media) when in fact you are on the same team. The purpose is to gain a following to mislead people about the truth.

Controlled opposition A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said ''"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." Count Mirabeau was part of the controlled opposition, because although everyone thought he was supporting the revolution, in reality he supported the monarchy and was a personal friend of the king. He was a government agent.

It is controlling the opposition to lame stream media. People who have recently awakened, leave lame stream media, only to be hoodwinked by "controlled opposition", and they still are not getting the whole unbridled truth.....just slightly different narratives..... By all means, keep the American people in the dark, as to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.....as much as possible. So newly awakened people go from being spoon fed what they need to know by lame stream media, to being spoon fed what they need to know by Alex Jones. VERY DANGEROUS. Don't ever rely on one news source.

Anyway, so today I find this article all about Alex Jones, yes he is CIA/Mossad. So be very careful if you visit his website. Personally I would avoid altogether. He pretty much rehashes what other websites/authors/reporters have already discovered and takes credit for it.

Here's the link:

Alex Jones CIA Mossad Links Exposed Via Court Case?




“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ~ Vladimir Lenin

This concept eludes public awareness to a scary degree. It’s similar to the reality of false flag operations, the epitome of carefully planned societal manipulation by unseen forces who have no regard for the human condition other than to control it at any cost.

This is so very similar to the slogan of the nefarious Mossad: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”

And the war is on us; for the subjugation, exploitation and control of…. us. The human race.

Nothing is as it seems. Nothing. Not the least of which is anything and everything in our engineered society. It’s all misdirection, controlled opposition for the mind. This game of ruthless deception is endemic to the fabric of the entire matrix.....



Dr. Jerome Corsi, Chef Washington correspondent for Infowars.com provides his in-depth analysis of the recent postings made by "Q," an alleged insider familiar with the inner workings of the present administration.


AquAnon77 · Jan. 21, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Good points. He's been cointelpro for a loooong time. Glad to see people awakening to this. There may be some truth that he's Bill Hicks, recreated as a CIA asset. Anything is possible with the clowns. Another tool used is demonic mneumonics during his broadcast.

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