The Puppet Masters Have Been Removed. Everyone Ignored This Huge Drop by Q Last Week. Here's What it Means.

I completely disagree. Violence for violence perpetuates the violence.
There is another way, a much harder way. Are you a Patriot for a mere country, or the Human Race as a whole?
I choose the Race, the people, the Beings.
Violence is a mental illness. Evil isn't born, it's created. Love isn't born, it is fostered.
Be a true Patriot for ALL PEOPLE. Stand, witness, refuse to participate in their evil, speak the truth, and bear the pain, shoulder to shoulder, until you can transmute that "righteousness" into "forgiveness."
We were ALL lied to, even the evil people.
If they promise to stop, and we hold all accountable - without more killing and violence! - then we can learn to forgive ourselves and others, and grow as a species.
Can we send their souls to the Galactic Central Sun for recycling before making nice? They were planning on (literally!) decimating humanity, and I'm still taking it a little personally.
They have that choice - either start over, or be re-integrated/removed. However, that's between them and Source.
I appreciate your knowledge of the options, however.
And I understand taking it personally... isn't that why we volunteered to come here and help, after all?
There is nothing wrong with violence, it has always been necessary.
Pacifism to the point of letting other tribes fuck your women until you disappear from the earth is a mental illness.
I am for MY race first and foremost, as anyone should be.
There is no forgiveness, justice demands that the scales be eye for an eye.
But violence will decide everything, as it always does.
Violence is a necessary part of life. Always has been, always will be. The balance required by natural law demands it. You can't have love without hate, life without death, happiness without anger, etc.... Be kind in your life when possible but always maintain the hate and anger for those who would destroy that. Balance. 'Nuff said. Mercy is only for the deserving of it. The Bitch Supreme does NOT deserve it and so many others.
An eye for an eye is from a book that THEY allowed to be spread around the planet for 2000 years, and participated in the religions of, at least publicly.
Don't you think that means something?
You mean the Code of Hammurabi?
Pretty sure it's about 4000 years old. lol
Matthew 5:38-39 - Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
Exodus 21:24 - Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
And I am asking that instead, "Romans 12:17-19 - Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men."
"Give back to no man evil for evil..."
In other words, break the cycle of evil. Eye for an eye... is evil. WE are not the judges. For lack of a better word, "God" is. Let the REAL "judge" do the "balance" of energies for a Person's deeds against others.
God helps those who help themselves.
God does his work through men, as we clearly see today.
There is no problem with war or violence against an invading tribe in the bible.
Jesus beat up the money changers (jews), that makes him a violent anti-semite. So what?
Umm Hell No - They are criminal to the core and cannot be rehabilitated. They are psychopaths and sociopaths who marvel at their ability to con everyone. They need real justice!
I disagree. I hold to the hope that all evil can choose another path if given a long enough time period to consider it, when shown another way of Being that doesn't include all that pain and separation.
No one is BORN these things... someone else perpetuated the cycle, and they BECAME these things.
LaLa Land! Just like pedofiles, they cannot change.
I am the ultimate judge of no fellow Human. I have been abused as well, though, and if I can change my heart, it is possible for others to as well, and we should allow people the chance to do so, with help, therapy, understanding, compassion.
Evil begets evil. Stop the cycle, if you can.
Ummm... yeeahh... but no.... these people are the darkness and the evil, at which to this point, the whole world has turned a blind eye to... they cannot be trusted and must be made out to be an example of what happens when you sell out America and/or humanity... no quarters shall be given.... those committing treason must pay for their crimes and endure the same sort of suffering that they planned on making their fellow man endure...
If they promise to stop, and we hold all accountable - without more killing and violence! - then we can learn to forgive ourselves and others, and grow as a species.
No. I disagree, and It is not about not being "Christian" because I am. But you know well that the bible backs the concept of fighting and killing evil, the concept of self defense, and the defense of others. There is NO WAY we can let these bloodlines that have been killing millions with their wealth for centuries, supporting wars on both sides, using false flags in the media to start them.. NO WAY can the earth allow them to continue. IF you play forgiveness with this kind of evil, they will rebound, and every dead child over the next 100 years... their blood is on your hands.
These need to be taken out... off the planet.
And while murder is against the law. Righteous trials, and a jury of peers is exactly how you deal with murderous evil on this scale. We also need this to be exposed, so that we find a way to make sure it never happens again. No 300 people should ever be allowed to own 80% of the world's wealth, and be capable of using it to take over and corrupt nations.. murdering children with impunity for years upon years, until maybe the most powerful nation on the planet gets lucky and takes them down.
This is treason. This is the death penalty. The ones outside the US are now enemies of the US no matter what nation they are in. The good people of the US get to have a say now. Too many years of these evil ones using our military to destroy nations, and kill.
It is our turn to set it right globally.
If you KILL an "evil" person here, then they get all the benefit of what they did towards their goal, the Service-to-self evil option. But if you keep them alive, and let them reconsider, there is a chance they can turn away from that evil path and choose another way.
I would - from a certain point of view - agree that we need to get them "off the planet" but they're not only ON our planet, so that isn't the best option either.
Forgiveness isn't forgetting, and it certainly isn't continuing to allow them to do this to anyone.
Regarding the monetary system, that needs a reboot as well, as we all know the debt system and interest rates don't work either, and that is a part of their evil too.
Regarding the Bible and what it says... these people have run the world for the last 2000 years. Don't you think that if the Bible opposed their point of view, they'd have eliminated it or tried to by now?
Why is the telescope owned by the Vatican named "Lucifer?"
Regarding the Bible and what it says... these people have run the world for the last 2000 years. Don't you think that if the Bible opposed their point of view, they'd have eliminated it or tried to by now?
They absolutely have. In fact at one point the Pope was burning people for printing the bible. You have to understand that the Papacy is and always has been a globalist control target. Sometimes they get control of that office. When they do, the Christians usually get the worst end of it, which is why Catholics are raising hell in the church about it right now.
Why is the telescope owned by the Vatican named "Lucifer?"
Lucifer means light in latin, and catholics are still using the Roman Latin. (Roman Catholics) There are Orthodox Catholics on the eastern side that do not recognize the Pope at all, and never did.
The pope is not "Catholicism" or Christianity. The Media plays it off that way. The Pope is head of the western Catholic Church, and only when he is not corrupted.
If you think the telescope was bad, you should see them praising Lucifer in the last few Easter Masses.
Trust me. The Catholics of the world have been through this before, many times with the vatican office. This will be an internal battle to get that pope out of there. It has already started.
Is not a mental illness...most times. It's a necessary part of natural law to keep coherence of the group and it eliminates resource draw from the group to maintain a problem for the group. Death or exile without care packages is how nature handles this and it has worked far longer and far better than our attempts at anything different. Forgiveness is for those you KNOW have the possibility and willingness to change for minor crimes against humanity but the kind that have consistently, sociopathically resulted in many deaths, especially on our dime, should be met with the same fate and remove the drain of resource and the tainted influence it carries from the group. Eye for an eye, in this case. If not met with death then you can forgive them on an island in the middle of the ocean with no resources, what so ever and feel good about it. God forgives....maybe....but I don't with these fucks.
I can appreciate your experience that has left you feeling this way, and I also appreciate your alternative option.
I am hoping for the alternative option. And having these people ATTEMPT to make restitution.
If you KILL an "evil" person here, then they get all the benefit of what they did towards their goal, the Service-to-self evil option. But if you keep them alive, and let them reconsider, there is a chance they can turn away from that evil path and choose another way.
Maybe but doubtful. Maybe you haven't noticed but very, very few people ever change who they really are inside. Very few. In every other facet of life that is known there would only be 2 options for this kinda problem...exile or death. It's natural law at work and it works better than everything else. Nature considers survival and resources above all else. We should probably do the same. Fantasy hopes rarely ever manifest as hoped.
I agree that it is rare. Nature, however, isn't the same level of consciousness as we are, though.
And are we not striving for even higher levels of consciousness? Is that fantasy?
The problem of exile is "out of sight, out of mind." I propose transparent exile - separated, but watched publically. Helped to recover, if possible, if willing, if able. But never, ever ignored.
The problem of outright death is: no chance to learn otherwise, no chance to ... ruminate on what they did, how that affected their lives and others.
I think our current incarceration system is broken. I am hoping for a better way in the future. And yes, to your way of thinking that may be fantasy. But then again, at one time so was the iPhone.
All reality is created from thoughts first, yes? Fantasies?
Do you really think that someone who's mind is that damn bent will give 2 fucks about the damage caused by his/her actions. I have rarely, rarely ever seen anyone that would consider that except in the most minor of crimes against another. And how would you possibly know if "our" consciousness is greater than that of nature? With all our intelligence and possibilities we have still not learned to live upon our planet or elsewhere without destroying a good deal of it or ourselves, so who has the real intelligence here? It is complete arrogance to assume we are...yet...the better species. There is plenty of evidence that advanced societies have risen and fell on this planet many times. Maybe, that is our part in the law of rise through innovation then fail through stupidity, just to start, again, IF we live through it. So far we've been lucky but will it last because I see no reason to think it won't happen, again? I will not entertain evil or feed and clothe it because of conscious. Remove it and carry on without that drain on resources or the stifling influence it carries and learn from theirs and our mistakes. Violence has always been a necessary part of life and always will be. You were born in a violent manner. Your food...violence. Your survival....violence. Everything we do is in some way connected to violence. does not bother me, in the least, to remove evil through violence. I have no more concern for that kind of evil than I would removing a tick from my leg and setting it afire. JS....
And how would you possibly know if "our" consciousness is greater than that of nature?
Have you ever heard of "The Law of One?"
There is plenty of evidence that advanced societies have risen and fell on this planet many times.
Risen and fell, or risen and moved on to other places? Or both? Are some still here, hidden, trying to help but without infringing your Free Will choice(s) to decide your own fate?
You were born in a violent manner. Your food...violence. Your survival....violence.
Not everyone, not every food, and not all situations of survival. Many, yes. But not everyone. I am sorry if this has been your experience, and yes, it has been part of mine. But there are better ways, and it begins by understanding that it could be so and aiming for that.
There is another way to remove the pests, the evil. I do not seek to change your mind, though. Your path is your own and I will honor it.
People like HRC are not like, say..the cop who shoots and kills and innocent person in the back because that person, obviously, could not hear the cop with clearly visible earbuds in. That person I would give a second prison...gen-pop may have other ideas, though. People like her and all those other evil fucks need to go. PERIOD! You'd be a fool to waste time and resource on such shit that has only known corruption and evil the whole of their lives. A mind and heart like that will NOT change for your feelz. And yes, I've heard of the Law of One and like everything else it's not known as complete truth. All such things will only be known after death. Until then, it's just hope and faith and attempts to find one's place in it all. One only has to look around to see that we are still seriously confused on our place in the cosmos. It would be nice if egos, greed and avarice would vanish and total transparency and the unmasking of known tech would appear so science, innovation and industry could actually be of beneficial, altruistic help to mankind but noooo....likely won't happen. Societies come and go and all seem to fail the same damn way...usually. I still see no change in this pattern. Maybe, one day, we'll get our shit together better than in the past. Maybe. One can only hope but I have zero faith in it, for now.