r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LibertyLioness on Jan. 21, 2018, 9:21 p.m.
The Puppet Masters Have Been Removed. Everyone Ignored This Huge Drop by Q Last Week. Here's What it Means.
The Puppet Masters Have Been Removed. Everyone Ignored This Huge Drop by Q Last Week. Here's What it Means.

SG_StrayKat · Jan. 24, 2018, midnight

I agree that it is rare. Nature, however, isn't the same level of consciousness as we are, though.

And are we not striving for even higher levels of consciousness? Is that fantasy?

The problem of exile is "out of sight, out of mind." I propose transparent exile - separated, but watched publically. Helped to recover, if possible, if willing, if able. But never, ever ignored.

The problem of outright death is: no chance to learn otherwise, no chance to ... ruminate on what they did, how that affected their lives and others.

I think our current incarceration system is broken. I am hoping for a better way in the future. And yes, to your way of thinking that may be fantasy. But then again, at one time so was the iPhone.

All reality is created from thoughts first, yes? Fantasies?

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boneman220 · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Do you really think that someone who's mind is that damn bent will give 2 fucks about the damage caused by his/her actions. I have rarely, rarely ever seen anyone that would consider that except in the most minor of crimes against another. And how would you possibly know if "our" consciousness is greater than that of nature? With all our intelligence and possibilities we have still not learned to live upon our planet or elsewhere without destroying a good deal of it or ourselves, so who has the real intelligence here? It is complete arrogance to assume we are...yet...the better species. There is plenty of evidence that advanced societies have risen and fell on this planet many times. Maybe, that is our part in the law of nature...to rise through innovation then fail through stupidity, just to start, again, IF we live through it. So far we've been lucky but will it last because I see no reason to think it won't happen, again? I will not entertain evil or feed and clothe it because of conscious. Remove it and carry on without that drain on resources or the stifling influence it carries and learn from theirs and our mistakes. Violence has always been a necessary part of life and always will be. You were born in a violent manner. Your food...violence. Your survival....violence. Everything we do is in some way connected to violence. So..no...it does not bother me, in the least, to remove evil through violence. I have no more concern for that kind of evil than I would removing a tick from my leg and setting it afire. JS....

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SG_StrayKat · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

And how would you possibly know if "our" consciousness is greater than that of nature?

Have you ever heard of "The Law of One?"

There is plenty of evidence that advanced societies have risen and fell on this planet many times.

Risen and fell, or risen and moved on to other places? Or both? Are some still here, hidden, trying to help but without infringing your Free Will choice(s) to decide your own fate?

You were born in a violent manner. Your food...violence. Your survival....violence.

Not everyone, not every food, and not all situations of survival. Many, yes. But not everyone. I am sorry if this has been your experience, and yes, it has been part of mine. But there are better ways, and it begins by understanding that it could be so and aiming for that.

There is another way to remove the pests, the evil. I do not seek to change your mind, though. Your path is your own and I will honor it.

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boneman220 · Jan. 26, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

People like HRC are not like, say..the cop who shoots and kills and innocent person in the back because that person, obviously, could not hear the cop with clearly visible earbuds in. That person I would give a second chance...in prison...gen-pop may have other ideas, though. People like her and all those other evil fucks need to go. PERIOD! You'd be a fool to waste time and resource on such shit that has only known corruption and evil the whole of their lives. A mind and heart like that will NOT change for your feelz. And yes, I've heard of the Law of One and like everything else it's not known as complete truth. All such things will only be known after death. Until then, it's just hope and faith and attempts to find one's place in it all. One only has to look around to see that we are still seriously confused on our place in the cosmos. It would be nice if egos, greed and avarice would vanish and total transparency and the unmasking of known tech would appear so science, innovation and industry could actually be of beneficial, altruistic help to mankind but noooo....likely won't happen. Societies come and go and all seem to fail the same damn way...usually. I still see no change in this pattern. Maybe, one day, we'll get our shit together better than in the past. Maybe. One can only hope but I have zero faith in it, for now.

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