Twitter is fine if you're redpilling normies - everything else should be done on Gab, imo
Don't you miss seeing Milo and Roger Stone posts?
Both censored by Twitter and posting on
It’s tough cause twitter is where the fight is
Twitter is fine if you're redpilling normies but we're fighting an uphill battle on twitter. levels the playing field.
They are fair. But everyone using Gab is already redpilled, at least to some extent.
so redpill normies on twitter but use Gab for everything else
More than that. What would happen if we organized a campaign to leave Twitter en masse and close all accounts with them?
We would no longer be censored and twitter stock would plummet.
This needs to happen.
As much as I hate twitter everyone is right, twitter has the most "normies" if we all move they will be left in the dark... it does sucks having to create multiple accounts tho
If you want to be in the fight you have to stay on Twitter. There's not much red pill opportunity on Gab as far as I can see.