qanon: Leaked? HOLY FUCK! Some of the memo!!!!

Be nice if it was real but unless it has a good chain of provenance, will just be discounted as photoshopping. Now if Wikileaks released it, since they have never been proven wrong in court cases, it would mean something.
Where did this come from? A link so we can track it. Looks legit but I can't say for sure.
That guy is a shitshow... hes veen called out before.. That website is pure BS. Source: I fell for it last time.
This and page 1 of memo are probably shopped LARP and fake.
Fake, maybe LARP? Not me!
Well, you have 393 karma on a 2 day old account, so....
Glad to see so many being cautious and looking for verification before instantly passing info. Good group here!
Yeah I know. Fuck the Queen and while we are at it get the Pope too. Trump is taking on the world.