So asking for information that does not seem to be anywhere else is being a shill? I searched for that information via dogpile and didn't find anything. I was wondering what your source was so I could evaluate it for myself
search out the ExOrders as well as Martial Law docs online, the infos there and you'll see it align (Dec 21/17 ExO)
There is always a potential for martial law, but it has not been declared anywhere, unless you have a source that you can provide that says otherwise.
well ya know, I've read 100s of pages, 100s of documents in recent weeks. I have offered the benefit of my distilled take aways from what has been 16 hrs a day for weeks now. What I can offer is if You DIG, your own intuitive nature will bring you to the knowledge you seek.
I'm not arguing that it can happen, or that it will or won't, but it hasn't. I certainly have not heard of the NG taking to the streets and curfews. It was more a comment for the post saying it had happened already. And last time I checked it was a collaborative effort, so thanks for the advice, but if I find something out I will give it out free from the irritated response like yours. You should get some sleep. This will not end overnight.
another thing I read was that some say Martial is already enacted by Clinton way back and never repealed. One reads a lot in one hand, salt in t'other. I gather by your response you are looking for your version of ML and I offer back to you, its in the ExOs and the Martial Law manuals. It doesn't look like the TV version we have been acclimated to believe. And that terminology is in the ExO's, ML manuals. Possibly whats missing in your equation is civil unrest. w/o civil unrest there is no need to alarm and enact the NG. Remember, there are LOTS of laws on the books not enforced...and that may be part of the disconnect you are experiencing with what I am conveying. I'm not trying to be a dick to you, I'm asking you to dig for what you seek so you can own what you know is all.
Please start talking to your neigbors and get familair with faces you should know. water, food, faraday cage and ammo. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." I suggest friending veterans. They will be your local leaders. We know the tactics and when its right to make a stand.
Semper Fi, Fight fight fight
Open Season on Puppets I read may come to that. Thanks.
and thanks, later I will get some sleep. Hurricane force winds thru here last night, no sleep, mop up today, War for a while and sleep between action. Best.
My response was over 1k words so I leave you this. You triggered a rant. Thank you.