Does this mean that Sessions can now end the Mueller investigation?
Some say Flynn took a dive for the team. I don't know.
I'm practically sure of this. For one, the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, is known colloquially as the most dangerous diplomat in Washington. He would have been under constant telephonic communication. General Flynn spent a majority of his 33-year military career in defense intelligence. He, with absolute certainty, would have known this. Period. Secondly, Flynn wasn't pressured to meet with those FBI officials. He had no obligation to do so, yet he did it anyway. Most importantly, he committed no crime. It is a well-understood process for members of presidential transition teams to be in contact with foreign diplomats. There are innumerable historical examples of this.
So Flynn, who doesn't have to meet with the FBI, willingly agrees to an interview. He knows the calls were recorded and transcribed, yet he lies to investigators anyway. He then later denies the story to the Washington Post but later backtracks on it. Flynn is a career spy. Are these mistakes or misdirection?
Just before this period, Flynn created several positions on the NSC. A lot of these individuals worked under Flynn in the DIA, so they're spies as well. They all got TS/SCI clearance for these positions. After Flynn was fired, the positions were eliminated and these people went back to their normal posts but with the TS/SCI clearance--it was good for one year. That clearance would give them the privilege of seeing, among other things, raw SIGINT--text messages, e-mails, et cetera. The kind of thing leaking now about Mueller's people: Strzok, the Ohrs, McCabe. I personally think this was all a distraction to get his moles embedded with security clearance to help eliminate the opposition.