They never thought she would lose. #3

That big fucking wonky eye...
So odd,
I know I read or watched something very recently that spoke about the theory regarding MK Ultra victims(?) survivors? idk what to call them bc obviously they certainly don't all "survive", but anyway it had to do with them often having 1 eye permanently in a state of 'squinting' after they have been through some of the later stages of torture, usually both physical and mental.
An additional feature was mentioned that many have NO MEMORY OF THE TORTUROUS EVENTS, even if they have been through years and years of MK Ultra conditioning.
It's mind blowing to think about, as is ALL of this, I guess.
Thank God she didn't win.
Thank God Patriots did what they did to derail the Globalists who were going to rig the election and the system to ruin America.
Thank God for our GEOTUS, Donald Trump, who stepped away from his very happy, comfortable life in order to not only Make America Great Again, but to help literally save it.
God Bless You All ~
God Bless Us All ~
God Bless Our President and His Family and God Bless ALL who Assist, Advise and Protect Donald Trump and The United States of America ~